But to be fully proficient at making an omelet from the leftovers in your fridge, you need to grasp the finer points of seasoning, timing and creative thinking.
Under the rules, schools without 100% of their students proficientin math and reading by 2014 would be labeled failures and face sanctions, such as being required to redirect federal money toward tutoring.
In order to build a network that is effective for your startup, I believe it is important to first be conscious of which parts of your business you are proficientin and which parts require some guidance and then take an active role in seeking mentors who have those particular skill sets.
You can see how hard it must be for the government customer to sort out proficient players from also-rans in the military electronics space by perusing the annual reports of companies.
"You would have to be very technically proficient to get these news services up and running and Ian Frost was certainly very versed in the IT world, " said Det Supt Gibson.