The fact that those undertakings were given some time ago, and thus may be qualified as "legacy", is surely irrelevant?
"We want our teachers to be as well qualified as possible, " she said.
Extend through 2011 the rule allowing premiums for mortgage insurance to be deductible as interest that is qualified residence interest.
The current qualified dividend rates will be taxed as ordinary income.
If scientific and technological jobs cannot be filled with qualified U.S. citizens, then there should be no limits placed on the number of qualified immigrants, as long as they have legitimate sponsors to guarantee employment.
In other instances, hospitals admitted changing the type of operations which qualified the patient to be officially recorded as waiting.
Some college-savings experts suggest that in certain cases parents might be able to challenge what counts as a qualified expense.
The happy finding is that British-born ethnic minorities seem to be doing the same kinds of jobs as similarly qualified whites, and earning similar amounts.
As men still make up 92% of the highest paid positions within major corporations, we encourage companies to also look to non-traditional arenas where qualified female candidates are more likely to be found such as executive positions beyond the C-suite, as well as in government, academia, and non-profit organizations.
But Mr Penrose said the wording - "as qualified as" - was unclear and should be rephrased "equally qualified".
Republican attacks on her can easily be portrayed as white guys in suits trying to keep a qualified Latina down.
ECONOMIST: Which Sonia Sotomayor is the Senate about to confirm?
In addition, judges would be required to have a minimum number of years as a qualified lawyer under their belts before being appointed.
If a new institution gathers a highly qualified and distinguished academic staff, this staff should be counted as the entity which gets DAP.
ISOs can be informally likened to nonqualified retirement plans, which are also typically geared for those at the top of the corporate structure, as opposed to qualified plans, which must be offered to all employees.
He has recently qualified as a plumber and hopes that finally he will be able to get back to work.
Speaking after his recommendations were announced, Lord Donoghue said there shold be better retirement provision for greyhounds, "they should only be put down as a last result", and then by a qualified individual.
At this year's finals in Japan and South Korea there will be five African teams, four Asian sides (two of which have qualified as hosts) and three from North and Central America, out of a total of 32 teams.
Taxes on qualified dividends will more than double for many investors because it will be taxed as ordinary income.
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The country needs a CIA director and there is wide agreement that John Brennan is eminently qualified to lead the CIA. As I said, he should be confirmed immediately.
Homeowners, if qualified, will be able to knock off a few bucks of the sticker price as the turbine is eligible for local, state, and federal incentives including a 30 percent federal tax credit.
But one witness who testified in a pre-trial phase is expected to be back early on in the trial -- a New York FBI agent who is qualified as an expert on organized crime.
He is uniquely qualified, the President believes, to be a member of his economic team to serve effectively as Commerce Secretary.
Unrealized gains are not taxed, long term realized gains and qualified dividends are taxed at the federal rate of 15%, short term realized gains, non-qualified dividends and interest income are taxed at ordinary income rates, which today can be as high as 35% at the federal level and higher still adding in state taxes.
As a result, positions often go unfilled, or insufficiently qualified people have to be taken on.
As universities select applicants on academic merit, less well-qualified Scottish students might be squeezed out and have to go to fee-charging English universities.
Thus, the flood of job applicants has to be strained more finely than ever before, as even unsexy firms find themselves with multiple well-qualified applicants for each position.
Under Colorado law, as in other states that authorize capital punishment, that jury will first be "death qualified, " that is, purged of citizens whose faith or moral precepts would not permit them to sentence Holmes to death.
This discussion is not intended as legal advice, and cannot be relied upon for any purpose without the services of a qualified professional.
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Unlike Chatichai, an old-style powerbroker closely associated with vested interests, Chuan, 59, is known to be clean and honest -- if also slow and indecisive -- and is regarded as being more qualified for the job of resuscitating the Thai economy.
If you do not participate in an employer-sponsored plan, such as an SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA or qualified plan, contributions to your Traditional IRA may be tax deductible.