Lahore police chief Aslam Tareen said the American was being questionedbythepolice and may be charged with both murder and illegally carrying a weapon, a Beretta pistol.
The three men were arrested under the Fraud Act and are being detained at a police station, where they will bequestionedbypolice and FSA investigators, according to the agency.
The two men arrested on charges of illegally purchasing cell phone SIM cards, using fake identity papers, will bequestionedbypolice who want to know whether they sold cards used bythe Mumbai gunmen, according to Calcutta Deputy Police Commissioner Jawad Shamim.
Knox's odd behaviour after the body was found also aroused suspicions - she was reported to have performed a cartwheel and done the splits while waiting to bequestionedbypolice.
The four players have declined to bequestionedbypolice after taking legal advice, and Baron says they are "very upset and very frustrated" that they cannot actively clear their names.
Kiswanto said 25 Rohingya asylum seekers were being questionedbypolice and would be prosecuted under Indonesia law if suspected of being involved in the killings.