But the potential won't be realised until drilling for the underground gas is allowed.
Manar's father admits, if the village school is demolished, his daughter's dream might never be realised.
Some of the new Viacom's aim of growing on the internet can be realised organically.
Neither book, it will be realised, is for holding on one's lap in bed.
This vision of a self-supporting city of the arts is never likely to be realised.
Their hope of capturing Kismayo, a Shabab stronghold, has yet to be realised.
Most of the savings would be realised through reductions in healthcare spending and other domestic programmes, without additional tax revenue.
It took time for the event to grab the nation's attention, but despite its potential was soon to be realised.
By the same token, Arab hopes that America might put active pressure on Israel also seem unlikely to be realised.
Their community approach was something that I support and I hope that the dreams for the site may in time be realised.
His barely concealed ambition, to be not merely the richest man in Russian business but also the kingmaker, may yet be realised.
But more than a decade on it the national programme has effectively been disbanded with many of its ambitions yet to be realised.
Back in Tangier, the most touching figure is Malika, an imaginative young girl who dies before any of her dreams can be realised.
He also said that it was "not inevitable" that predictions of a turbulent summer parading season, due to the flags issue, would be realised.
Is France willing to continue to bear some of the burden of ground operations, and if not, can its broader strategic goals be realised?
So, having proved the point in a Petri dish, Dr Birchler and his colleagues went on to see whether that expectation would be realised.
But how likely are the Frenchman's longer-term dreams of Euro-defence to be realised, either in the form of new treaty language, or in real military life?
ECONOMIST: All the same, a joint ��European army�� is still far away
With Samsung's range of nine lenses and professional standard accessories, the NX eco-system ensures that all imaging ambitions can be realised, whatever the user's photographic speciality or interest.
ENGADGET: Samsung's NX20, NX210 and NX1000 mirrorless camera trio hands-on (video)
The paltry returns from, say, a share in a Havana hotel would be dwarfed by the value that could be realised by selling that stake to an American hotel chain.
The Scottish Government said it would be pressing for a concrete timetable of plans to extend HS2 to Scotland as the full benefits could be realised only if Scotland was involved.
Newport are only two promotions away from getting back into the league and, while the current season has been "a bit disappointing", he is confident his dream will one day be realised.
And for the people of East Timor, these may yet be realised: the government this week said that it might consider independence for the territory after the election is over (see article).
It is a nice irony that Babbage's plans should be realised only thanks to an infusion of cash from a man who got rich in the computer revolution that Babbage helped to foment.
And while the government sings the praises of information technology, its potential can be realised only if there is the software and expertise in place in the provinces to take advantage of it.
It may not measure up to the "language with which God created life", but the better targeting of existing medicines within groups of patients may show us how the hype over personalised medicine could begin to be realised.
"With the industrial production growth continuing to slump, there are now fears that earlier expectations that economic growth may pick up in the second half of the year, may not be realised, " said Alistair Thronton of IHS Global Insight in Beijing.
Lim admits that the recent loss of both the Mars Polar Lander and Mars Climate Orbiter may have affected favourable public opinion, which is what the project needs most if the dream of seeing astronauts on the Red Planet is ever to be realised.
Since not even the equality-conscious Nordics have yet managed to get rid of the employment gap altogether, it seems unlikely that gains on this scale will be realised in the foreseeable future, if ever, but there is certainly scope for improvement in some rich countries and even more in emerging markets.