That the Bills organization ultimately sided with Mr. Manuel speaks volumes of how much better they must believe Manuel will be relative to Nassib.
FORBES: 2013 NFL Draft First Round Selections by the Numbers
As we believe there to be lag in Steve Jobs impact relative to innovation, so too do we believe that will be the case relative to the shares.
The lesson: Market news has to be interpreted relative to your situation.
Question: Corporate tax rates in America are said to be high relative to the world at 35%, though the real rate is very competitive at around 13%.
The other side of this coin is Californian wine, which tends to be overpriced relative to its quality, but there are many exceptions to this rule and plenty of great buys.
That, says Mr. Jones, means returns for people buying now will be depressed relative to what the long-run potential could be.
Second, it recommends that the power of the executive board be increased relative to that of national central-bank governors, who are more likely to be influenced by national interests.
Even if things go extremely well and Facebook manages to grow its earnings at 50% every year, the company would still be expensive relative to the market assuming that the stock appreciates at 9% a year.
If the dollar is weakened, American goods priced in dollars will be cheaper relative to products priced in healthier currencies, and may, at least for a time, be more attractive to potential foreign buyers.
FORBES: To Mount a Comeback, Obama Must Ignore Simon Johnson
On the one hand, the Fed has to be feeling pressure relative to their ever-expanding balance sheet that has swelled to disturbing levels.
At this point in space, the gravity of the Earth and the Sun act in such a way that the telescope will be stationary relative to the Earth and Sun.
This comes against a backdrop in which prices may already be low relative to costs and worries about possible power shortages disrupting mining operations in the key PGM-producing nation of South African, Melek added.
FORBES: Chinese Data Sends Some Base, Precious Metals To Highest Levels In More Than A Month
The politicians can all have a good argument over whether they should raise taxes on anybody, or over how much they should be raising taxes relative to how much they should be cutting spending.
This promises to be a much more audible leap relative to traditional no-feedback speaker systems, and you should be able to spot the difference for yourself after the break.
The unit labour costs that is, the amount that had to be paid for labour relative to the value of the goods produced with it.
Business conditions in the U.S. continue to be a relative source of comfort, according to Barclays analyst Tal Shapsa in New York.
But the bridge finance would be expensive, relative to the interest the owner would receive from Verde's mortgage lending.
Unless the Fed has changed its mind about one percentage point being the desired spread in normal times, the discount rate will be raised again relative to the Federal Funds rate.
So, for example, a big bank that had been around for decades would be allowed to lend much more relative to its capital than a small bank (the big bank would have what's known as "advance" status).
It will experience higher revenues due to the Fed program and, more importantly, it will see the value of its troubled housing assets rise to the point where they can be sold at profits relative to their book values.
So long as the discussion centers around minor changes to marginal rates, we can know that, whether they go higher or lower, the headline numbers will be a sideshow relative to the various favors given in order to reduce what we pay.
But I had suspected that the contraceptive and lubricant industry had tested the concentrations of nonoxynol-9 they used to be selective cytotoxins to spermatocytes relative to vaginal epithelium.
This is going to allow nearly 200, 000 people who are now balancing work and providing care to an elderly relative to be served, and 3 million hours of respite care are going to be provided.
The reader would not be insane to question how this relative upstart could hope to score against long-time incumbents Qualcomm and Texas Instruments.
Hedge-fund managers reckon that their conventional cousins' attachment to relative return will have to be jettisoned if the bear market continues.
At the moment, the rules say steps should be taken to ensure "no surviving relative " objects to the donation of organs.
But for supply to create its own demand, markets must be free to determine relative prices, including interest rates.
FORBES: Ben Bernanke's QE4: Another Step Toward Helicopter Money, And Away From Freedom
In this regard, any acquisitions of European companies, should he grow large enough to make them, would be cheaper to make with a stronger dollar relative to the euro.
You know, they could have announced support for Beta instead of VHS. We're trying to watch and really be agile on our feet, relative to the issues between HD DVD and Blu-ray.
ENGADGET: The Engadget & Joystiq Interview: Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft
Attribute some of the dissatisfaction to what economist Milton Friedman dubbed "Permanent Income Theory, " which assumes that people measure where they are relative to where they expected to be a few years ago.