Mr Lavrov has argued that, since Russia has recognised the governments of both, the Europeans should deal with them directly, something they will bereluctanttodo.
He has staked much on the bet that Britain's path to prosperity lies in making London the world's centre for financial wheeling and dealing, and will bereluctanttodo anything to send its denizens packing.
Obama will let congressional Democrats and Republicans take the legislative lead, but he will quietly make it clear that he'll sign virtually any pro-nuclear legislation they can pass--while publicly pretending tobe mighty reluctanttodo so.
Provincial and lower-level authorities may bereluctantto divert resources to areas that do not produce immediate benefits in terms of boosting employment and GDP growth.
Global car firms are suffering from over-capacity and will thus bereluctantto invest the millions needed to upgrade the plant: Zastava cars do not meet western safety and emission standards.