Legislators can be removed from office for a felony, but Lopez isn't accused of any crime.
Three petitions on the website change.org, calling for her to be removed from office, have about 2, 500 signatures combined.
CNN: Trayvon Martin case has a tough, controversial prosecutor
Silver offered a resolution Friday that recommended Lopez be removed from office.
The review body panel recommended Dr Reid should be removed from office.
If parliament's lower house also votes to impeach him, Mr Sen would be the first sitting judge to be removed from office in India.
If the Senate finds him guilty of any one charge by a two-thirds majority, then the constitution says he should be removed from office.
The protesters also demanded that the Delhi police chief be removed from office and that police officials accused of failing to act on the parents' complaint be dismissed.
He must not be removed from office.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
Whatever your feelings may be about William Clinton the man, or William Clinton the political ally or opponent, or William Clinton the father and the husband, ask only this: should William Clinton the president be removed from office?
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
When Mr Zelaya insisted the consultation go ahead, Congress voted to remove him for what it called "repeated violations of the constitution and the law", and the Supreme Court said it had ordered the president to be removed from office to protect law and order.
Judges and presidents -- and one would presume all other civil officers if you follow their argument to its logical conclusion, including assistant secretaries and others -- must in their view be removed from office if the Senate finds that they committed either offense, removed without a second thought.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
Watching the trial live on television, or standing outside the court building listening to the proceedings through loudspeakers, Filipinos did not know whether to laugh or cry, as a bumbling prosecution team ineptly set about trying to prove that Mr Estrada was a villain who should forthwith be removed from office.
And it is not too legalistic to point out that a president of the United States should not be convicted of perjury and removed from office over an argument -- a dispute about what is and what is not the commonly accepted meaning of words in his testimony.