It would be similar to taking advice on how to pan-sear steak from a ten-year vegan.
Will they be similar to the bailout programmes that Greece, Ireland and Portugal operate under?
The early symptoms can be similar to severe flu and often it's wrongly diagnosed.
They felt that the pattern would be similar to what happened after the crash of 1929.
To limit trade to save jobs would be similar to limiting technological progress to save jobs.
Spielberg's role will be similar to that of an executive producer on a film.
Some of their weapons were reported to be similar to those used by the armed forces.
Next year's budget deficit, at around 11.6% of GDP, will be similar to this year's.
This would be similar to the format it has used to sell the iPhone.
FORBES: Apple Testing Large-Screen High-Resolution TV Concept
The requirement, Obama noted Wednesday night, would be similar to mandatory auto insurance in most states.
As in the UFT trials, Xeloda was shown to be similar to chemotherapy that must be injected.
Fixing our food system would be similar to weaning ourselves of our addiction to oil, Roberts says.
It is considering the introduction of a drug test for motorists which would be similar to a breathalyser.
The system would be similar to the offset program already in place for priority debts like child support.
FORBES: States, Local Governments Consider Aggressive Tax Collection Efforts To Plug Budget Holes
As for this year's capital expenditure, the size of investment is expected to be similar to that of 2012's.
ENGADGET: Samsung reports $8.27 billion in profits for Q4 2012 HD
Over time business resale values tend to be similar to small-cap value companies that trade on the stock exchange.
While juicy exchanges will no doubt end up in the collection, lots will likely be similar to this sample message.
President Hollande has called for the rules in "public service" nurseries to be similar to those that apply in schools.
But the question about that computer bag will start to be similar to the one about my pocket, I suspect.
While some increase in inflation cannot be ruled out, the more likely outcome will be similar to the U.S. experience.
This occurrence would be similar to throwing a rock into a running washing machine -- clearly not a good idea.
Most banks' tests were based on historical crises, but this assumes that the future will be similar to the past.
In effect, the fiscal impact of implementing a tax expenditure would be similar to a direct expenditure of state funds.
All this would be similar to a homeowner forsaking a 4.5% fixed-rate 30-year mortgage for a variable-rate mortgage of nearly 5%.
This would be similar to the home owner solar credit Congress created last year for the 2006 and 2007 tax years.
Modern hunter-gatherer societies, which are assumed to be similar to those of early man, have a maximum size of 150-180 people.
When former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher died, I knew that her funeral would not be similar to that in my culture.
Capellas said one possible device for such continuous computing would be similar to today's mobile phone with extra buttons for nontelephony functionality.
And while injuries may be similar to 60 years ago, there have been changes in activities like mountain biking and parapenting (paragliding).
Senior officers said the police operation would be similar to that for last Saturday's Arsenal-Chelsea FA Cup Final which passed off peacefully.