By extension, does outsourcing create a reduced requirement for U.S. students to be skilled in foreign business practices?
At a big hospital few anesthesiologists would be skilled in that particular task.
The successful candidate will bring at least three years of board experience, have a good working knowledge and understanding of executive compensation, be skilled in psychological jujitsu, and have enough political savvy to win a Chicago mayoral election.
Burr said his group opposes such an exclusion because, even though unemployment in the construction industry is high right now, at times when it is low there can be labor shortages in high-skilled trades and contractors want to be able to bring in foreign workers.
You can introduce some search and congestion effects to get higher unemployment but the increase should be relatively mild, as you have to remember that the opposite effect should be occurring in the high skilled market and low skilled folks be dropping out.
What's more, China's central bank seems to be in professional hands, as skilled as any in heading off debacles.
We hope our parents never need to be in a skilled nursing facility, but the reality is they may, even if it is for a little while.
It won't be low-skilled workers leaving, as in the 1960s, says Mr Robolis: it will be an educated elite.
Much of our job growth will be found in high-skilled fields like health care and biotechnology.
They were salsa nerds who knew they would be the only skilled male dancers in the place, and they had their pick of the ladies.
He argued that, while most entrepreneurial solar engineers were urban-based, most grandmothers would remain in their villages, forming a nucleus of skilled human power that could be relied upon in the maintenance of solar equipment.
Thousands of high-skilled engineering jobs could be created in Lancashire by utilising shale gas resources, said the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
The AFL-CIO and U.S. Chamber of Commerce had been fighting over wages for tens of thousands of low-skilled workers who would be brought in under the new program to fill jobs in construction, hotels and resorts, nursing homes and restaurants, and other industries.
"The reality of these proposals are about pay cuts, the consequences for the region will be disastrous and will result in skilled health workers being driven out of the region, taking money out of the local economy and deepening the healthcare postcode lottery, " she said.
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And Facebook has already been shown to be highly effective in recruiting lower-skilled workers.
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The bulk of jobs growth here will be in low to medium-skilled jobs, Sissons says, putting the technologies gleaned from high-skilled engineering into practice.
Asset protection should only be done by a professional who is skilled in the area, and those who rely on financial planners or other non-attorneys for asset protection planning are likely to be sadly disappointed.
President Obama has been in favor of granting more H-1B visas, and loosening policies that would allow foreign graduates to stay on and work in the U.S. Many multinational tech companies, including Microsoft, have called for more H-1B visas to be issued to fill gaps in the skilled labor pool.
To gain a patent something must both be new and non-obvious to one skilled in the art.
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Clearly the situation needs to be just right: indeed, it needs to be a situation where the necessary skilled talent is in short to very short supply.
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To the extent that the least-skilled need help, we will be in a much better position to afford safety nets, and our main concern will be the age-old one of discouraging dependency.
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While the same scene in Uncharted required skilled combat maneuvers and strategic climbing paths for escape, the same result can be achieved in Black Ops by holding down the trigger and constantly sprinting forward.
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It remains highly fragmented, under-capitalised, labour intensive and predominantly low-skilled: not the ideal position to be in as the business heads south.
Investors who are neutral or partially-skilled at selecting active managers should be 100 percent in index funds in all investment categories and styles.
With the support of most Americans and the bold leadership of tech industry executives, skilled immigration reform should be a no-brainer in Washington.
The law does not actually allow what we think of as hands-on nursing to be given to residents who are not in a skilled nursing facility (nursing home).
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They suggest how the low-skilled workers left behind might be helped by further reforms in the labour market as well as by better education and training.
Our businesses will be more successful if they can find skilled, trained workers here in America.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Economic Recovery Advisory Board | The White House
Yet emigration of skilled workers may be a consequence rather than a cause of problems in the sending country.
My grandmother had to pretend to be seeking work as a cook because skilled cooks were at that time in short supply in Britain.