At the start, it was moving at 13, 200 miles per hour, and needed to be slowed down, to keep it from ending up a smashed pile of rubble.
Maestro Alan became convinced our economy was too prosperous and had to be slowed down.
Speeding drivers in Swindon are to be slowed down by using traffic lights.
If too much naphtha is coming out of the crude stream then the whole stream has to be slowed down.
There have been no calls I have heard here for a change of economic policy, for spending cuts to be slowed down or less deep or for an emergency growth package.
You won't find anyone in modern politics arguing that there should be less transparency - or that moves to take public services online should be slowed down.
Unlike the data we use to surf the Internet and check our e-mails, which can be slowed down and not affect the results, streaming video services need to be able to stream at a certain data rate and while some dropped packets can be tolerated, at some point the movie becomes jerky on the screen, and sometimes entire sections drop out.
Presumably, supporters of money financing would like the policy to be reversed or slowed down if it looks like it is simply creating inflation, with little or no positive impact on real activity.
One of the only big corporate share repurchasers that has slowed down a bit appears to be Goldman Sachs Group.
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But approach your new frontier with a clear plan of action, and then absolutely refuse to be moved, deterred, slowed down or stopped by any Imposter Syndrome symptoms that come.
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And while most traffic jams are a result of an accident or too many vehicles (or data packets in the case of the Internet) legitimately trying to get from place to place, they can also be slowed down deliberately, as happened in Brussels last September when about 100 trucks slowed traffic entering the city as part of a planned protest.
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At about 02:10 GMT, a motorist driving the Corsa slowed down to check on a man who appeared to be lying injured on the ground on Locan Street.
Any electron passing along such a wire should be able to travel ballistically (that is, without being slowed down by bumping into any atoms in the wire, just as a bullet travels down the barrel of a gun).
But if you are in good health and used to training, some of these ravages of age can be slowed down.
Those who profess to be innocent can challenge their warnings in hopes of not having their Internet slowed down.
Since QE2 was launched last November, GDP growth has slowed down from 3.6% in the fourth quarter to what Hilsenrath estimates will be 2% for the first half of 2011.
But then it was Button's turn to see his advantage disappear when the safety car slowed down the pack so debris could be cleared off the track.