Don't forget what's key to bringing back jobs here is not just finding someone else to punish -- and I'm going to be strict with people who we trade with to make sure they follow the law and play by the rules -- but it's also to make America the most attractive place in the world for businesses of all kinds.
Our carbon emissions would have to be slashed with strict targets set and met by 2050 to avert catastrophe but this was essentially a man-made problem with man-made solutions.
In May media reports quoted Gustavo Larrea, a government minister and a confidant of President Rafael Correa, as saying that miners in Ecuador would be hit with a strict tax hike that would take away 70% to 80% of revenues.
The funding programme, which runs annually from December to November, is split into two levels of funding - Podium and Development - each with strict criteria and standards which must be met in selection and maintained with the support of UKA staff.
Those responsible for locking down government networks and defending data will need to be empowered with a set of strict rules.
FORBES: Why Rockefeller-Snowe's Regulations Won't Prepare The U.S. For Cyberwar
You could say Mason's oeuvre grapples with modernism versus tradition, with rampant consumerism versus sustainability, with strict functionality of craft versus design with a message--and you'd be right on all three counts.
The promise that help comes with "strict conditionality" may not be kept.
But we are toughening up community sentences so every sentence contains a genuine punishment, including fines, unpaid work and strict curfews and exclusion zones - which can be enforced with state-of-the-art GPS tracking.
In 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued a statement recommending against any home or recreational use of trampolines, suggesting that trampolines only be used as part of a structured training program with strict safety measures.
FORBES: Inflatable Bouncer-Related Injuries Sharply Increase in the U.S.
With all, we will be harsh, and strict, but not unjust, not indiscriminate.
Strict rules against firing will be dropped for new hires in companies with up to ten employees, and not merely five, as the government had proposed.
The most dangerous substances - such as those that could cause cancer - will be banned, with member states only allowed to make exceptions in strict circumstances, such as in an emergency public health crisis.
Other Iranian officials have stressed in the past few days that the country's common border with Afghanistan was under strict control and Taleban fighters would be arrested if they entered Iran.
Just like with movies, some parents will be more lax and others more strict.
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The FAA approved test flights for the Boeing planes with strict conditions to assure safety: Only essential personnel will be on board, crews must continuously monitor the plane for battery-related problems and tests will be conducted over unpopulated areas.
They are strict with her and believe that education is the only way she will be successful.
It will be under strict instructions to cut payments to Medicare providers, regardless of the consequences, with limited ability for Congress to overrule its edicts.
FORBES: Washington Is Tightening Its Grip On Medical Decision-making
Now a guaranteed minimum income that came conditional on complying with nanny-stateism that put strict requirements on eating and exercise would be one thing.
FORBES: What Would a Utopian 15 Hour Work Week Really Look Like?
Magistrate Judge Marianne Bowler agreed to the request during a hearing Monday, saying he would be under "strict house arrest, " and only allowed to leave his home to meet with his lawyer and for true emergencies.
And I appreciate -- we did have that meeting, and you accommodated one of our requests, particularly in terms of the order, and you did say you would be with regard to Mr. Lowell, we talked about it not on a strict gavel.
While polling shows that a majority of the public favors stricter gun laws, surveys by The Wall Street Journal and NBC News suggest that the support peaked in February, two months after the Newtown shootings, and has since tapered, with 55% in an April survey favoring stricter laws and 43% saying laws should be less strict or remain as they are.
First, evangelicals generally do not make distinctions with how the woman became pregnant, whether it be by rape, incest, etc. evangelicals, strict catholics and other far right social conservatives are against abortion.