Anyone requiring approval from peers or bosses can never be suited for this.
The typical clinical trial model may not be best suited for generating evidence that a drug is safe and effective against diseases where patient enrollment can be difficult and diseases progress slowly and unevenly over a long period of time, according to Steven Grossman, who worked on the original Orphan Drug Act in 1983 and is now a policy and regulatory consultant.
"I believe these strategies may be better suited for a family than a workplace, " Mr. Weiss told me.
Therefore, they may be best suited for the most senior executives, who are most accountable for shareholder returns.
Sinofsky might be better suited for Google, where he could help refine Android.
Microsoft is reportedly working on development of Windows 8, which will be better suited for touch screen tablet devices.
But MetLife Stadium has no roof, meaning fans may be exposed to temperatures that would be better suited for downhill skiing.
The new system will, however, be ideally suited for spotting tourists or students who overstay on their visas, but that is a trivial issue.
Facebook seems to be ill suited for real money gambling.
FORBES: Will Zynga's New Hire Exploit Gambling or Consumers?
And Kim may be ideally suited for the job because of his wide knowledge of molecular biology, a field being transformed by new understanding of the chemical basis of life.
The team is learning new play calls from first-year offensive coordinator Tony Sparano and has yet to install the "Wildcat" play package that will be best suited for Tebow's skill set.
Even if their economies were insufficiently aligned to be best suited for a currency union, one hope has been that the euro would make them converge as they trade much more intensively with one another.
ECONOMIST: The supposed benefits of monetary union are cut down to size
Stein spoke of a promoted retweet tool Twitter offers that seems to be especially well suited for this purpose.
FORBES: Why the AP Selling its Own Sponsored Tweets is Good for Twitter
It wasn't until nine years later that he and his religious superiors agreed that he might be well-suited for a chaplain position.
In this case if you do nothing you will be enrolled in another plan that most likely will not be the best suited for you.
It's reasonably weighted for the size at two pounds, although it's clear the S1185 is still big enough and heavy enough to be better-suited for a lap or desk.
ENGADGET: Hands-on with Gigabyte's S1082 and S1185 Windows 8 tablets (video)
As mentioned above, the HTC 8X is built around a 4.3-inch HD display which allows the body to be narrower and better suited for one-handed operation.
ENGADGET: HTC 8X review: Windows Phone 8's compact flagship Mobile
The OMT was designed to be a prebailout instrument, best suited for Spain.
Advisers who charge assets under management (AUM) want to manage all your money even though they may not be the best value or best suited for the task.
They would be well-suited to build the parameters for a reputation system based on civic engagement.
Ethanol mandates are prompting more and more corn to be planted on land that is poorly suited for agriculture, causing erosion and pesticide runoff to infiltrate groundwater and aquifer resources.
The downside is that it's more expensive, uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time and has to be custom fit, Reingold said, so it's suited for people working in high-risk laboratories.
Still, the tourists' decision to bat on in the morning under overcast conditions, seemingly ideally suited for swing bowling, could be questioned as the clouds burned away to allow Fleming and Bell to bat freely in the afternoon.
It would be nice to argue that Mr Bloomberg is perfectly suited for this balancing act.
Browett was ill-suited to the job and Apple should be slapped for thinking otherwise.
The state's Department of Information Services (DIS) this spring conducted a series of internal Webcasts to determine whether Internet video technology is feasible and, if so, for what purposes it would best be suited, said Clare Donohue, the chief deputy director at DIS and the moderator of two of the Webcasts.
His liking for footnotes might have suited him to be an historian.
And, even if they were not obsolescing, weapons designed for the Cold War may be ill-suited and incredible as deterrents to today's threats.
This makes them best suited for "parallellisable jobs" - processes that can be broken down into several parts that are then run simultaneously.
Shaven-headed and crisply suited, Mr Hague could be an American executive, were it not for his ministerial red box and cufflinks bearing maps of Britain in blue and silver.