There is a lot she will not be sure about at the subsequent inquiry.
How can voters be sure about what Republicans really believe, other than the importance of winning elections?
No one can be sure about the future course of the world economy, even a few months ahead let alone a year.
We'll probably discover more of these systems and we'll be able in a couple of years to be sure about this sort of diagnosis.
He may not be sure about his age, but he is clear about the reasons that bring him to Allahabad and Sangam every Kumbh Mela.
"Under-13s create a real problem because it is absolutely impossible in the current set of standards to be sure about the age of anyone because children will lie, " he said.
BBC: Dad of girl, 12, sues Facebook over her suggestive photos
The case ultimately fell apart after prosecutors decided they could not be sure about the credibility of the alleged victim, despite forensic evidence that showed a sexual encounter had occurred.
And just to be sure about this, I talked yesterday with another FEMA spokesman, Eugene Brosane(ph), and I asked him if those people now know they can in fact stay?
To cope with range anxiety, prospective buyers need to be sure about two things when selecting a particular model: how it will be used and how it will be recharged.
It is certainly the case, I think as the FBI has pointed out, that when preliminary tests are done, secondary and I suppose tertiary tests are made because of the need for accuracy and to be sure about what the substances might be.
This is a huge factor, and one that we can be quite sure about.
But, on the other hand, the military, the joint task force, which is a military outfit based in the Delta to patrol the swamps and creeks, seems to be less sure about the whereabouts of these hostage takers.
He wanted to be surer than sure about his ideas on natural selection.
To be sure, concerns about mobile have been the largest overhang on the stock since the company went public in May.
FORBES: Facebook Finds Many New Friends: Stock Up Nearly 30% After Q3 Earnings Beat
All that can be said for sure about Asia's troubles is that they are serious, and that the risk of them spreading to the rest of the world is also serious.
Chorion, the company that controls Blyton's estate, said it could not be 100% sure about the differences between the picture book and the novel because they both "pre-date our acquisition of the Blyton Estate".
Often we are forced to weigh up multiple factors, assess multiple probabilities, none of which we can ever be 100% sure about, and then somehow reach a decision that we can reconcile ourselves with, for better or worse.
FORBES: Angelina Jolie's Choice: Being Decisive Amidst Uncertainty
To be sure, any prediction about future sales of unannounced products should be viewed with caution.
There would be technological challenges, to be sure, but nothing about this is technologically fanciful.
Be sure to notify Google about mobile content so that Googlebot-Mobile can crawl and index the mobile content.
And be sure to train staff about how to handle daily deal customers.
There are, to be sure, other complaints about the Ashcroft tenure at Justice being cited in the Times and elsewhere.
Just be sure you are passionate about whatever your chosen endeavor is.
And I want you to be sure to tell people about our new "9-3-1" program for the folks right here in North Carolina.
In an election sure to be about strength of voter turn-out, it may not, as conventional wisdom instructs, be all about the economy after all.
"We have checked with our lawyers and will only be naming and shaming those people we are sure about, and we'll be very careful we don't get it wrong, " he added.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | Litter louts are named and shamed
Get a handle on the truth about planning and be sure to include some plans for making the most of today instead of worrying aimlessly about the future.
Before the politicians and their constituents make such decisions about where we go from here, they should be sure to ground themselves in the facts about how we got to this point.
Be sure to quiz the broker about how many lenders he canvassed and what each said.