He said unfilled vacancies should be taken into account when producing the school performance tables.
All facts and circumstances are to be taken into account, and no single factor is determinative.
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What are the factors that need to be taken into account when implementing change?
BBC: Steve Hilton 'says bureaucracy masters the politicians'
If any other offences were committed, being on license would be taken into account.
But any further preferences they could have stated will not be taken into account.
As Cox points out, the widely divergent costs of living in these cities should be taken into account.
We have our schedules to meet, and the wishes of the patient must also be taken into account.
"I expect my views will be taken into account when board members make their decision, " Allen Andreas says.
But there is another, more mundane cost that should be taken into account: the loss of potential revenue.
It means the clinical worth of a drug will be taken into account when setting a price tag.
Other information, such as traffic problems and the performance of individual couriers, also needs to be taken into account.
For this reason, the notes below each pledge should be taken into account.
The authors caution that the side effects of the drugs used, such as Ritalin, must be taken into account.
Population growth also needs to be taken into account, since living standards are best measured on a per-person basis.
What of the Health Minister's evidence last week that the objection of any family member would be taken into account.
He cautions that these health risks are very small and that environmental factors must be taken into account as well.
However, it said the competence of any RBS individuals would be taken into account when making applications to any FSA-regulated firms.
We are not saying we cannot do it, just that it is risky so other factors must be taken into account.
Its proposals will be taken into account by the health minister before the plan is put forward for a States debate.
There are three other factors that have to be taken into account, and they count no matter which league is your favorite.
"I think we had a great year, especially at the finish, so I hope that will be taken into account, " said St.
If they're on the Northern Alliance side of the lines, they'll be taken into account, just like the Northern Alliance allies are.
It is not intended that only the factors described in this paragraph are to be taken into account in making the determination.
She added that China was currently reconsidering its policy, and she hoped the results of the study would be taken into account.
There is one more variable that needs to be taken into account.
The fraud history of individual shops can also be taken into account.
This study suggests that the impact of natural fires at high latitudes must be taken into account in determining the causes of pollution.
He said public opinion - often more in favour of custody - also had to be taken into account when dealing with individual cases.
Mr Vajpayee has told foreign ambassadors that India's nuclear status is now a fact which, after a decent interval, must be taken into account.