The message appears to be the same as that released by a UK-based Islamic website, Waaqiah, on Friday.
The best way to become irrelevant is to be the same as everyone else.
For most people, modified adjusted gross income will be the same as adjusted gross income.
But in essence your bet would be the same as the ones Berkshire made.
Will the utilities industry or the telecom industry of 2020, be the same as today?
The format, 72 holes of stroke play, will be the same as in regular professional events.
The ASEAN Ten, quite simply, will not be the same as the ASEAN Six.
He had not said, he explained, that the border would be the same as before 1967.
Previously, auto layout was interpreting the bottom of a UILabel to be the same as its baseline.
ENGADGET: Apple seeds iOS 6 beta 4 to developers: here's the changelog
Its operating costs, let us assume at this point, will be the same as a non-Islamic bank's.
The format for Round Three was supposed to be the same as that of the First Debate.
Meanwhile, accountants are lobbying Congress to reduce their penalty standard to be the same as for taxpayers.
So the bid and ask price will be the same as it would be on an exchange.
Mr. ROMNEY: My church's beliefs about Christ may not all be the same as those of other faiths.
But that would not be the same as using chemical weapons such as a nerve or blister agent.
Studies show our waking cycles to be the same as our sleeping cycles, which move in 90 minute rhythms.
The Pokki version of Madden will be the same as the Facebook version.
But the total cost of a perpetual should be the same as a five year gilt, rolled over indefinitely.
The goals for the local summits will be the same as the convening in Washington with robust agency participation.
Though much smaller, its quality and unit costs will be the same as at Renault's best plants in France.
The excuse will be the same as for the weekly claims, Hurricane Sandy.
Keep in mind that the lowest tax states for working folks may not be the same as those for retirees.
Raises are predicted to be the same as they were in 2010, down from the actual raise measured in 2011.
The experience that people have of guns in an urban neighborhood may not be the same as in a rural community.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Preventing Gun Violence
Sometimes they love you so much they make their choices for you which may not be the same as your choices.
That may not be the same as an instant expulsion order, but it led to Ms Hirsi Ali's abrupt resignation from parliament.
The messages in the movies, at church and in school may not be the same as the one they're hearing at home.
In essence, using a cloud that originates from a server based in another country may be the same as moving work offshore.
FORBES: Should You Check With Your Tax Advisor Before Moving to the Cloud?
He says bundlers tend to be entrepreneurs and their agendas may not be the same as those of the candidates they're supporting.
Mika also revealed he was considering renaming the album, which was expected to be the same as the single, We Are Golden.