The HMOs, for their part, won't be thrilled with paying for expensive new tests.
But it's hard to be thrilled when all I see are crises avoided, not problems solved.
But most Democrats would be thrilled to have either of the front-runners as their nominee.
Those passengers will now be thrilled to learn what the FAA was funding instead of air-traffic control.
Collectors of perfect tracking shots will be thrilled by one in a tube station during the Blitz.
Flanker Lewis Moody said he would be thrilled by the prospect of meeting up with his fellow Lions.
BBC: SPORT | Rugby Union | Internationals | Lions call thrills veteran Back
Environmentalists will be thrilled that the Roundhouse's frame will consist not of old-growth Douglas fir but of recycled steel.
If they wind up collecting garbage, and they're happy, I'll be thrilled, too.
Spouses may not be thrilled when 40 gallons or 3, 413 shots of Irish whiskey finally roll into the den in 2018.
"I understand Wolves and Rangers want to sign me and I would be thrilled to move to either club, " added Lafferty.
Lafferty was a Rangers supporter as a boy and Sanchez believes the forward will be thrilled by the move to Ibrox.
Share things that matter, that have relevance, and that might attract visits in numbers that organizers would be thrilled to reveal.
No doubt Harry Reid will also be thrilled to take all those votes on gun control that his liberal wing is demanding.
If they wind up at Yale, and they're happy, I'll be thrilled.
Takers will be thrilled with what they get and this is precisely the way the car market should work at its best.
Power users will be thrilled by the MacBook Pro with Retina Display.
Parents are not going to be thrilled about special advertisements that play for their kids only when they are out of the room.
FORBES: What do Jell-O, Kraft, and Adidas Have in Common? They All Want to Know Your Face
Our books sell to people who are bored with traditional literature, who want to be thrilled and changed by language and images and sound.
The underwriting client may not object--it may be thrilled to see its stock bounce up the first day--but it's still leaving money on the table.
Not ever web user, of course, will be thrilled with the idea of companies being able to to predict our future buying habits in advance.
But many others understand the tradeoffs in play here and would be thrilled to get the insurance protections for which Democrats have been advocating fruitlessly.
The email from Cutter seems to convey an understanding that at least some on the subscription list may not be thrilled with the volume of emails.
Vick has already been rewarded for his professed contrition with another shot at the NFL. He should be thrilled that he's back as the Eagles starting quarterback.
Anyone who supports Obama for reelection (and, despite some very serious disagreements with him, I favor his reelection), should be thrilled beyond measure at what is being said.
FORBES: Rick Perry Clueless On Use Of Executive Presidential Powers To Kill Obamacare
In fact, the guys at DocuSign should be thrilled.
FORBES: Thank You Adobe. My Bank Account Will Soon Be Grateful.
In every other developed country in the world policy makers would be thrilled to have a second independent competitive national broadband communications infrastructure, like cable offers, that creates facilities-based competitive benefits of innovation, investment and diversity of choice.
Regular readers will be thrilled that our old friend, the construction sector, is in the frame again - the sharp fall in output in this sector in December is very much an estimate, which some consider a little fishy.