CIBC's Goldman predicts that most of the hopes and fears for the stock will be tied up in Xigris.
It means an antitrust suit will be filed and all parties involved will be tied up in litigation for months and probably years to come.
It seems clear to most observers that carbon regulation will come through the Clean Air Act, if at all, only to be tied up in the courts.
Of these, about a quarter are thought to be tied up in projects where there is abundant cashflow to fund repayment and another half in projects where there may be enough income.
ECONOMIST: Chinese banks are undergoing an odd kind of bail-out
At the extreme, I suppose some DA or US Attorney might view the seizure as kidnapping and attempt prosecution, but I think that would be unlikely as it would be messy and be tied up in appeals for years with claims of official immunity.
FORBES: Wisconsin Dem. Senators Officially Fugitives From The Law
What is clear is that the current procedures are simply not up to the job, and unless those involved come up with some forward looking pro-active plans, over-the-air television is going to be tied up in the courts for a long time as companies and consumers look to exploit the old-word rules with new-age technology.
FORBES: Television Over The Air Is Struggling To Keep Pace With Change In US And UK
Their efforts led to the end of the Cold War, said Beech, and allowed much of the capital that was tied up in defense spending to be freed up to spur economic activity.
CNN: Clinton returning to the state that made him the 'Comeback Kid'
But, the question is whether Goldman counts as a single investor in the case of its new investment vehicle, or whether the individual investors with money tied up in the product should be counted individually.
Believing that 70% of its money would be kept in cash, the Art Institute was shocked to learn that much of it was tied up in illiquid private investments, including a portfolio of distressed debt.
Cummans said if an investor has a significant amount of gold tied up in ETFs, storage diversification might be worth it.
FORBES: FOCUS: Gold ETF Popularity Rebounds; Focus Turns To Costs
Nexen gets some oil and gas production out of its 200 leases, but the majority of its value there is tied up in prospects that have yet to be drilled.
FORBES: Schumer To Play 'Hardball' On Cnooc Deal? Give Me A Break.
Mark Tinker, an analyst with Commerzbank in London, reckons that around half of Germany's equity market is currently tied up in cross-holdings that might be disposed of once the law changes.
This is likely to be offset only partially by a pick-up in businesses tied more closely to economic growth, such as advising on mergers and acquisitions.
In the worst case, your money could be tied up for an extended time if you wait for liquidation.
FORBES: ETFs Are Friendly On Fees But Not Always Your Best Bet
Diversification becomes more difficult when an employee's wealth is tied up in restricted shares or other holdings that can't be sold.
While Ultimate did own a large illiquid stake in GENI, most of these shares were tied up in the stock loan chain which Native Nations was demanding be unwound.
Another big reason may be that up to 240, 000 jobs in Illinois, the nation's new political epicenter, are tied to the big automakers.