And I think one of the things that we have to remember very much in the post-Iraq situation is to be tolerant of all traditions in Wales.
And now he is going out and pleading tolerance, you know, making fun of Massachusetts as tolerant culture, but he's now, you know, pleading at the Evangelicals to, you know, to be kind to him and not - to be tolerant of his religion.
Bank supervisors, because of their preoccupation with systemic risk, have tended to be quite tolerant of anti-competitive behaviour by banks.
Mr Bush may also be less tolerant of the anti-American gestures of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, though he would be wise not to be provoked by them.
EU-hopeful Balts have had to be more tolerant of their ethnic Russians.
One substitute, especially in South Asia, could be cassava - which is known to be tolerant to a range of climate stresses.
But one of the upsides is that it has made me a lot more tolerant than I used to be about the bodily choices of others.
Armed with the best microelectronic technology the humble engine can be clean and efficient and above all tolerant of the fuels it consumes.
Salt-tolerant rice would, though, be of much wider use than just restoring the paddies of Miyagi prefecture and its neighbours, the worst-affected part of the country, to full productivity.
This is the first Labour administration to take office since the introduction of the select committees two decades ago, and it is not clear how tolerant of their interference it will be.
Inspector Gary Williams, the area commander, said some people were less tolerant of youngsters than they used to be - children playing football in the street were now perceived by some people as anti-social.
' He is amused by my desire to help, tolerant as all Solcavsko folk seem to be of the outsiders who come and homestay at local farms, with their strange enthusiasm and astonishment at such simple matters as churning butter or making salami.
Jones said she'd like to believe that people are becoming more tolerant of homosexuality, but it may just be that other books are attracting more attention.
That firms complain more about corruption may be a good sign if it means they are becoming less tolerant of it.
And as luck would have it, Morocco's version of Islam proved to be equally moderate, open-minded, and tolerant.
Perhaps this is because they generally assume that "religion, " however defined, is a positive force for good and that any set of religious beliefs, however unusual, should be considered acceptable in a tolerant society.
"We have to be tolerant with Davor, he will apparently have three matches that same week, " Jozic said of his veteran striker.
"I hadn't known what we would discover, and had thought maybe the story will be, what a tolerant and accepting country we have become, " said Mr Wallraff after a screening of the film Black on White in Berlin.
We must be understanding, tolerant and work together to find solutions to the challenge and secure Boston's fair share of dwindling finances.
BBC: Boston council task force makes migrant recommendations