That "regulatory risk" may be too much for investors to stomach unless the offer is improved.
But it will still be too much for the pace of change envisaged in the Basic Law.
When these six factors indicate rising business risk, even a dollar of debt may be too much for some companies.
But a lack of offense and an almost non-existent power play eventually proved to be too much for the Rangers to overcome.
Even so, this will be too much for Quebec's premier, Lucien Bouchard.
While the sensors can cope with shirts and even jumpers, a heavy winter coat would be too much for them to get past.
For a really deep recession will surely be too much for voters to forgive, whether or not they can remember the last one.
Rigondeaux's speed appeared to be too much for Donaire (31-2), who was trying to defend his WBO super bantamweight belt for the fifth time.
The dose rate needed to make them work in insects would be too much for people to tolerate, so some more design work is necessary.
The proposals do not go as far as the Awami League had wanted, but even so they may be too much for the BNP to stomach.
Taking that sort of abuse from a hero would be too much for some people to take, but Gurwitch used it as a springboard to a new comedic niche.
With such a barrage of eco-messages slapped on products these days even McDougall concedes that "the six sins of greenwashing" might be too much for consumers to remember when out shopping.
These women also helped me understand that my desire to be acknowledged by my stepdaughter on Mother's Day was not unreasonable, but it might be too much for her to give me.
But Rumsfeld aides say the situation, combined with the political baggage White is carrying from having worked at Enron where he headed Enron Energy Services, a subsidiary, may be too much for Rumsfeld.
An asking rate starting at over seven-an-over was always going to be too much for Bangladesh who had not helped themselves with some wayward bowling and poor fielding after asking their hosts to bat first.
"I think the lack of oversight so far away may be too much for these banks to handle, considering how badly they've handled overseeing their own staff, " says Ira Rheingold, executive director of the National Association of Consumer Advocates.
And despite Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt's hope that "self-driving cars should become the predominant mode of transportation in our lifetime", it could be that even a small risk could be too much for some people to be comfortable removing the driver completely.
When a bank becomes a lynchpin of the global economy, in the way that HSBC has done, are the hands of justice shackled in relation to it - because a proper spanking would be too much for a fragile global economic recovery to bear?
Eating lean proteins helps build muscles, but Dinant may be getting too much for his weight.
That could be simply too much for the companies, whose debt is already rated as junk, to bear.
It is possible that the pricing of ever more complicated instruments might sometimes be too much even for the ultra-brainy lot who do it, with expensive results.
The high death toll and the criminal negligence that caused it may just be too much even for the Bangladesh government to ignore, especially in an election year.
Parliament member Wael Abu-Faour says this latest war may prove to be too much, even for the famously resilient Lebanese.
Although the last part might be too much to swallow for critics who claim that a company that sells fast food and offers plastic toys cannot spout responsibility, Bannan offered some interesting context.
But that seems not to be too much a problem for the top 20% of families, socioeconomically, who are the focus group for whom a lot of the advertising and marketing is aimed.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Higher education 'market' warning
That the FHSAA vacated the season of one Palm Beach County school as a result, and declared forfeits for another school whose players were allegedly involved, may well be too much hurt on the students for legislators to bear.
FORBES: Florida Legislature Might Blow Up High School Sports As We Know Them
Even if the bleeding risk is lower than 5%, it could easily be too much of a risk for many doctors.