Still, there's one player he thinks he would be unable to do without: Robinson Cano.
Go back and find anything whose performance matches this and you will be unable to do so.
Noble's three-year contract expired on 31 December but he would be unable to do the job full-time because of his commitments as coach of Wigan.
BBC: Noble led Great Britain in last year's Tri-Nations series
But some analysts say that until the banks reveal the true scale of their potential losses, the central banks will be unable to do much to ease the credit crunch.
"However, the RNLI will be unable to do this until a suitable operations site has been identified and the requisite shore facilities put in place to enable an RNLI B class inshore lifeboat and its launching equipment to operate effectively, " he said.
Of course there are those with terrible conditions - locked-in syndrome, various forms of paralysis - who may wish to die, but be quite unable to do so without help, but for the vast majority of us suicide would be possible as a lone activity for some time after we knew that we were incontrovertibly dying.
Otherwise, one or both parties will be unable to see clearly and will do things they will later regret.
"It sets a standard that so many clubs will be unable to compete with - and if you do try to compete (financially with Real Madrid) you are building massive volumes of debt, " he said.
One of the most controversial aspects of the Defense Transformation Act is among its most commonsensical: The military needs to be able to train as it intends to fight -- something that it is increasingly unable to do on the lands and in the waters set aside for that purpose due to creeping (in some cases, galloping) environmental-related strictures.
Until we do know, we will be unable to articulate to our employer what we need in order to be engaged.
And if those meters are unable to do so, then it would be consumers who pay the price for any failures.
FORBES: Smart Grid May be Shortest Route to Obama's Green Energy Goals
If a winning entrant is unable to be contacted after reasonable attempts have been made to do so, the Producers reserve the right to offer the prize to the next best entry.
If we do not adapt, we will be increasingly unable to compete.
WSJ: Jeb Bush and Clint Bolick: Solving the Immigration Puzzle
If share prices do not recover, many indebted new black tycoons will be unable to meet their repayment deadlines and their shares will in theory revert to their creditors.
If the Swiss were unable to stand the pressure of being a currency bolthole, why should other countries be able to do so?
If Chavez is unable to be sworn in before lawmakers on January 10 as scheduled, the constitution says Chavez can do so before the country's Supreme Court.
He may not be the most influential celebrity in the country, but when the controversial host was hospitalized for chest pains and thus unable to do his show earlier this year it became front-page news across the country.