Mr Chavez, who regards all dissent as counter-revolutionary treachery, professes to be unconcerned by the split with his old ally.
The four established parties profess to be unconcerned about this new rival.
While the idea of "too big to fail" is fanciful, it seems the problem lies in deposit insurance that allows individual savers to be unconcerned with where they place their savings.
"Most Americans don't see full-body scanners as a health risk, and more than seven in 10 say they would be unconcerned if asked to go through one at an airport, " Holland said.
Although members of the Federal Open Market Committee profess to be unconcerned about a stockmarket fall the last few have left not the merest dent in economic growth they are now trying to talk down a (they claim non-existent) stockmarket bubble without ruining the underlying economy in America or elsewhere.
Would we really be calm and unconcerned if, just as suddenly, real light -- the sun's light -- without notice went away?
The main suppliers of capital, the banks, have also been remarkably unconcerned that their money be put to good use.
At best, she will be accused of knowing very little and being relatively unconcerned about finding out.
Oh, to be a young British band like the Kaiser Chiefs, to be filled with cheeky attitude, blessed with excellent fashion sense and unconcerned that anyone might think your music is derivative.
When asked about the possibility that Russian sales of militarily relevant technology to Iran might result in more deadly acts of terrorism, Titov averred that the terrorism was unlikely to be directed against Russia and that, Moscow, therefore would feel unconcerned about undertaking lucrative transactions with Tehran.
They seem irresponsibly unconcerned about the prospect that, after America capitulates, there would be genocidal mayhem in Iraq, the creation a new safe-haven for terrorism there and a general emboldening of our enemies around the world.
Seemingly unconcerned with our hesitation, Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corp. has announced that we'll be seeing these potential deathtraps commercially installed within the next few years, hopefully with the Otis-type hacks still fully functional.