Husbands, 23, was supposed to be under house arrest when police say he went to the mall and opened fire.
Secondly, we expressed our concern about the release, and believe that the Libyans should treat the individual as somebody who should be under house arrest.
In Naples last November the show was so popular that a man who was supposed to be under house arrest was caught waiting in the queue.
The group also fingered Mr Ntaganda's old boss, a dynamic former rebel leader, Laurent Nkunda, who is supposed to be under house arrest in Rwanda's capital, Kigali, as part of the 2009 peace deal.
ECONOMIST: Congo and Rwanda: Stop messing each other up | The
His lawyers said it was unclear whether he would be detained under house arrest, in policy custody, or in jail.
On Saturday, investigators asked that Mr Udaltsov be placed under house arrest by the court in Moscow's Basmanny district because he had not been exhibiting good behaviour and had not co-operated with them.
"He is not comfortable, but as a good soldier he is used to this, " said Rios Montt's lawyer, Francisco Palomo, who is expected to seek to have the ex-general transferred to a hospital or to have his sentence be served under house arrest.
Magistrate Judge Marianne Bowler agreed to the request during a hearing Monday, saying he would be under "strict house arrest, " and only allowed to leave his home to meet with his lawyer and for true emergencies.
Tanzi, now 74, has been jailed since 2011 for his role in the scandal that defrauded thousands of small-time investors, despite arguments by his lawyer that his health is failing and that he should be granted house arrest under a law allowing it for convicts over age 70.
Mr. ElBaradei's whereabouts after that couldn't be confirmed, though the AP reported he was under house arrest.
Polanski, 76, is under house arrest pending a decision on whether he should be sent back to the US to face trial over a case dating back to 1977.
It is not clear whether he will be tried in Chad or in Senegal, where Mr Habre is due to go on trial after being held under house arrest there since 2005.
BBC: Mahamat Djibrine: Chadians hail ex-police chief's arrest