Part of the investment will be used to install high-volume composite carbon fibre manufacturing equipment.
This property will be used to load and release the drug, making treatment instantaneous and effective.
It can, for example, be used to determine the right language in which to present a multilingual website.
Steroids can also be used to treat certain medical conditions when physiology has failed.
FORBES: Weaning Ourselves from Economic Steroids - Excess Debt
In June, a programming error temporarily allowed any password to be used to access any account.
Now reputation is beginning to be used to improve the effectiveness of Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS).
Police said that these details could be used to create fake cards "on a massive scale".
It makes the kind of money that can be used to pay for yacht crews.
Eventually, that data could be sold as market research or be used to sell Hiya ads.
FORBES: WhitePages Wants To Be Your Location-Aware Mobile Address Book
It says the money will be used to reduce debt, finance investments, and buy back shares.
In other words, these vehicles couldn't be used to shelter assets for future retirement.
One of these can be used to describe CO2 levels over the past 800, 000 years.
Among other things, such connections could be used to identify undercover agents, through link analysis.
Iceland, in effect, is a huge extended family that can be used to investigate genetic inheritance.
Will the term be used to describe what we have built for the next 50 years?
They're capable of collecting real time data that could then be used to control the motors.
ENGADGET: vi-RABT improves ankle rehabilitation with virtual reality and robotics
It can be used to translate programs such as news, sports or other timely information.
Pupils' progress and behaviour are to be used to assess teachers' suitability for performance pay.
And there are other technologies that potentially could be used to reduce ozone further.
Some agencies even turn a profit, which can be used to subsidize other state services.
Later they realized their insights could be used to produce flavors and fragrances quickly and cheaply.
There were technical economic methods that could be used to devised the ideal government policies.
FORBES: Market Failure, Government Failure: RIP James Buchanan
Current risk levels in the markets can be used to judge what those expected returns are.
FORBES: The Portfolio Solutions 30-Year Market Forecast for 2012
The current experiment: a scooter that could be used to mop the floors of malls.
FORBES: The Bottom Three Billion: How One Clean Tech Company Serves The Poor
It can also be used to monitor air-to-air and air-to-ground communications between and among others.
The Edinburgh-based firm said the move would be used to pursue an acquisitive growth strategy.
These data can also be used to estimate dynamic modeling parameters for planning and operation.
Moreover, their new technique could be used to inject other ultrasmall electronic sensors into brain tissue.
WSJ: Brain Science: Mysterious Neural Circuitry Becomes Viewable
Engineers believe it could be used to boost the performance of small gasoline engines.
The proceeds will be used to pay off debt, including senior notes due in 2018.
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