The competition shows how photography can be used to do far more than simply record a moment.
He told the crowd that the tools also could be used to do things like change what's on a pilot's display screen or turn off the lights in the cockpit.
"The guy said he had this botnet which was nothing special and was not specifically designed to do these attacks but could be used to do them, " said Mr Corrons.
Getting the tin out of the cassiterite is pretty easy: a hand built furnace and some charcoal can be used to do it although obviously modern machinery can make it more efficient.
FORBES: After Conflict Minerals Comes The Death Metal: Tin. And It's Apple's Fault Again.
The threat of an EMP attack is hardly the only reason for ensuring that ballistic missiles cannot be used to do harm to this country, but it is a particularly compelling one.
The idea is that just a tiny little slice will be taken from each financial transaction and this will add up to tens, hundreds, of billions that can be used to do such good things.
FORBES: Oh, Yes, Yes Please! A European Financial Transactions Tax in 2012
The phones themselves (three 2G and one 3G, the Fujitsu F900iC on the right) involve only minor tweaks to previous models, but the addition of FeliCa and the impressive range of partners DoCoMo's assembled means that your phone can now be used to do a whole host of things.
"I just need to take a little more thought on how I do it and what is going to be the best way to do it, but I can do anything that I used to be able to do, " he added.
"It has been a challenge ever since just to be able to do various activities that I used to do on a regular basis, " said Blais, who was in a coma for five months after the blast and was awarded a Purple Heart.
Even those jobs that demand physical labor -- manufacturing, for example -- are much less grueling than they used to be, as electrically powered machines do the lifting and shifting that used to consume human energy.
These signals can then be used to get machines to do what the operator wants them to do.
Although that is possible, it cannot be used to advance bills that do not reduce the deficit, and would further inflame partisan tensions.
The money that we use to do those things cannot be used to produce vaccines for the poor, feed the starving or clothe the naked.
FORBES: In Which Brad Plumer Asks The Wrong Question About A Carbon Tax
Mr Ratheram, whose injuries included nine fractures to his spine and broken ribs, said he knows that he will never be able to do all the things he used to.
He wanted the money to be used for a fund to pay undergraduates to do research with professors, rather than in private sector jobs.
They are designed to be used with our lesson plan and do not attempt to offer a full summary of all 30 articles (we've removed some that were difficult to simplify or required prior knowledge).
This for a box that has no other purpose than to rent movies, when their DVD player can do that and be used to play the movies they own.
While there were "irritants on both sides", such problems could not be used "as an excuse to do nothing", he said.
BBC: Obama urges Palestinians to drop settlement precondition
The same technology could be used to build machines able to do the work of today's supercomputers on a much smaller power budget.
But in his joint news briefing with Mr Abbas, he said such problems could not be used "as an excuse to do nothing", and neither side could expect to resolve every outstanding issue before talks resumed.
According to Brooks, in the short term the first places we will see this next generation of intelligent, collaborative and trainable robot like Baxter, is on production lines where robots will be used by factory floor workers to do the truly dull and repetitive jobs, freeing up those workers to do tasks that require more dexterity and judgment.
FORBES: Part 1: Future Of Robotics: Manufacturing Gets A Makeover With Baxter
Every quarter those have to be updated too, I used to download from CMS and do that.
FORBES: The AMA Finally Takes A Stand Against ObamaCare Thinking In Washington
"People are much less afraid to do modern stuff than they used to be, " says Phil Leibovitz, a contractor in Washington who says demand for his services has doubled from five years ago.
The US government had previous funded MIT to do research into how carbon nanotubes could be used to detect nerve toxins including Sarin following a terrorist attack on the Tokyo subway which killed 12 people in 1995.
Any hypothesis on how this data could be used and why do we need to store it?
FORBES: 5 Ways The Industrial Internet Will Change Manufacturing
Secondly, they showed that the amount of deep sleep could be used to predict how well people would do on memory tests.
Despite the expansion potential, though, it can still be used right out of the box to do robotics without touching a lick of code.
We had no idea how it would be used, but gradually brokers began to do interesting things, such as advertise the birth of babies and even ask each other on dates.