BlackRock(BLK) expects that extra 6% cash to be utilized for buybacks and raising dividends.
In addition, Facebook (and, to a lesser extent, Twitter) hold location-based data that could be utilized for its users base.
Thus far no effective means of monitoring chemical weapons production has been developed, in part because there are so many commercial chemical facilities that could be utilized for producing chemical weapons precursors.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Summit Watch: Tough Questions For President Bush
In the case of project financing, a credible Western agent bank (not the International Moscow Bank or Moscow Narodny) located outside of Russia and Russian control should be utilized for deposit of newly generated income streams.
Capital is going to be more expensive and it might not be utilized for lending and for other purposes that are beneficial to the economy if it has to be held by the parties trading these instruments.
For a more accurate measurement of primary care workforce production, the percent reported by medical schools of graduates that match AND STAY in primary care should be utilized for the general public to truly understand how these medical schools are performing in regards to primary care workforce.
Some hopes were raised that a more orderly and rigorous process could be utilized for decisions affecting these and other foreign availability assessments when Dennis Kloske in August 1989 pledged to Senator Malcolm Wallop (R-WY) to ensure that Defense Department and intelligence community judgments were given appropriate weight.
In order to even get to the stage where a deal is on the table, both sides of a partnership needed to be firm believers that those resources would be well-utilized (be it for generating new revenue streams, building a better product, generating brand awareness, etc.).
He also mentioned that the application should be optimized for the device through which it will be utilized and that the application should also be optimized to function very well for its intended purpose.
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Applications, for instance, could be utilized to deliver calls on LTE, much the way Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) apps like fring and Jajah operate on 3G networks today.
If the UK was to provide that for itself, five percent of the land would have to be utilized -- which is an extraordinary number.
Remember that VIX calls and index puts are both often utilized as hedges against market weakness, and that a rise volume for both could be a sign that institutional traders are growing more bullish.
Through the exhibit, visitors will be able to appreciate the essential need for ocean measurements and the excitement of the new technologies utilized by GOOS. This exhibit includes a display of the Korean coastal observation system and was created with the kind support of the Government of Korea and Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI).
The technology to be utilized is the Fischer Tropsch process, the same technology to be used to convert landfill gas to airline fuel for British Airways starting in 2014.
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