Today, Narino department's determination and the Navarro approach to politics continue to be very different from the Colombian norm.
The credit score you purchase from a credit reporting agency may be very different from the score your lender sees.
After all, the floor would be very different from anything these new hires had ever experienced in their working lives.
Even if the sequester goes into effect, the magnitude of the automatic cuts won't be very different from those imposed in 1986.
But the problem is that the accountant's definition of the estimated useful life of an asset can be very different from an investor's definition.
But after watching his interview with Oprah last night, my takeaway may be very different from most others and also a potential lesson for marketing leaders.
FORBES: What Marketing Leaders Should Learn From Lance Armstrong
This trial would be very different from the first: It took place in Los Angeles, two African-Americans were picked for the jury and King actually testified this time.
Despite its acoustically friendly elements, Ms. Racette and Ms. Clayton wanted their house to be very different from the over-the-top opera sets in which they spend much of their time.
He likens it to the way a Hollywood film might be very different from the original script - and that Shakespeare was unusual in getting control of the production process.
Google's thirst for ad dollars means its phone will be very different from offerings from Apple (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ) or Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ).
But it is also true of insiders, who need to learn that the view from the top can be very different from the view that they were used to as the head of a department or a region.
If we regard them as two or three different points and problems then our proposed solutions are going to be very different from if we regard theam all as simply aspects of the same event: that invention of the e-book.
Well everyone, I have to say I really didn't find the substance of this debate to be very much different from the first one in Miami, even though they were talking about nominally different issues.
The run-off will be a very different affair from last Sunday's election, one that will be much more difficult for Mr Menem to fight.
"This will be a very different experience from traditional file-sharing networks, " said Gilles BianRosa, CEO of Azureus.
BBC: Zudeo users will be able to download copies of Red Dwarf
The Liberal Democrats said the question of raising fees would be very different if seen from the students' perspective.
The act of reading the record as well as changing the record will be indelibly recorded and that is very different from a lot of existing systems with paper and electronics.
The next astronauts to step out onto the dusty gray surface of the moon will be wearing a suit that's very different from the bulky white armor worn by the Apollo explorers.
And yes, this is a very different question from whether there should be a state run financing system for health care.
But even if they achieved temporary success, it would be just that, because the Iranian program is very different from the Iraqi Osirak reactor that the Israelis nailed so precisely in 1981.
WSJ: Eliot A. Cohen: There Are Only Two Choices Left on Iran
Indeed, in 10 years or so from now, the EU will be a very different union, and Turkey will be a very different country.
Moreover, a deeper Japanese recession would not be qualitatively very different, so far as Europe and America are concerned, from the experience of the past six years.
The candidates are likely to deploy familiar lines from their campaign scripts, but the context will be very different, given the national audience.
And within DECC, Mr Davey's position must be weakened in some way by the advent of a minister with views very different from the previous incumbent, Charles Hendry, who was massively popular with the renewables industry.
Let me be very clear about this: These barriers are certainly not aimed at segregating different communities from each other.
But the Airbnb investment would be a large bet on the consumer Internet space, though in a very different area from Facebook or PayPal.
FORBES: Peter Thiel In Talks To Invest $150M In Airbnb: Report
"I don't think it will be much different from what was important last year -- again it will be very close, so it will not be a case of two or three drivers fighting it out, " continued Vettel.
CNN: Triple F1 champion Vettel: Red Bull better than last year
But to me it also speaks to South Africa's notorious wealth gap, and to a culture where lavishly paid senior officials - be they politicians, police bureaucrats or defence attorneys - appear to live in a very different world from the underfunded, underequipped foot soldiers struggling to get a grip on this country's enduring crime problem.
This is very different from the endorsements of the TV era, where one 15 second spot could be played over and over again without any lasting personal engagement between star and product.
FORBES: Celebrity Endorsements: 15 Minutes of Fame...Or Shame?
"That's very different from the breast cancer story, " where there are many other drugs that can be tried, she said.