• The move could be seen as a gesture of goodwill amid the vexed player-release issue that has dogged Wales recently.

    BBC: Wales release prop for Sale duty

  • More judicious than Mr Lebrecht's tome, it outlines the often vexed relationship between creative temperaments and their commercial representatives who can be quite temperamental too.

    ECONOMIST: Classical music

  • But you can expect a higher profile for the vexed issue of whether Israel's ultra-Orthodox community ought to be required to perform its share of national service (it's currently exempt).

    BBC: Netanyahu's tough task after Israel's confusing election

  • Like being too rich, seeming to be too popular as exemplified by the enormous crowds that Obama attracted also vexed the campaign.

    NEWYORKER: Battle Plans

  • The vexed question of the disarmament of paramilitary groups, known as decommissioning, still has to be resolved.

    ECONOMIST: Northern Ireland

  • And yet, year in and year out, far from being vexed by the smart-alecks who judge their offerings prematurely, the networks virtually demand not to be taken seriously.

    NEWYORKER: Another World

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