Many of our military families will be welcoming loved ones home for the holidays.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Honoring Our Veterans for Their Service and Sacrifice | The White House
In general we want to be welcoming to the idea of sustainable projects in Nottingham.
Terry Baxter is still ironing out the details, but he should be welcoming some special guests to the stage.
"I have buyers who have been keenly watching and waiting for this who will be welcoming the news, " Mr. Hiatt says.
Now, the nonprofit group hopes to soon be welcoming visitors who can understand and appreciate all the accomplishments and ideas envisioned by the inventor.
"I am delighted that our local towns and villages will be welcoming new soldiers which will give a real boost to the local economy, " Ms Perry said.
We'll be welcoming Korea's -- South Korea's increasing global role.
Perth Concert Hall said they were delighted to be welcoming the artist to the venue and confirmed they would be serving vegetarian food on the day of the concert.
Talent is a scarce commodity and if you're going to attract the best talent, you better be welcoming to people regardless of gender, regardless of ethnicity, regardless of sexual orientation.
On Urge and integrating with Rhapsody, "The Urge brand will be retired... but we wanted to be welcoming and loving to existing Urge subscribers" who are now making the migration to Rhapsody.
ENGADGET: A few words with Real's Rob Glaser about Rhapsody America
We'll be welcoming our first child in February.
NPR: Attitudes of Gratitude: Listeners Give Thanks - Part III
We've reached out to chipmaker and we'll let you know when we hear more, but it's highly likely we'll be welcoming this next-generation processor early next year -- say, at a certain mobile trade show.
According to a pamphlet obtained by datacider, the MEDIAS family will soon be welcoming a Gingerbread-powered N-06C, which closely resembles the N-04C except for the extra 0.2mm thickness plus 10g weight, as well as touch buttons instead of physical ones.
ENGADGET: NEC's waterproof MEDIAS N-06C to get a sprinkle of Gingerbread and 1GHz power
Festival director Sally Dunsmore said she was "delighted" to be "welcoming so many international authors".
Surly immigration officials do little to enhance America's claim to be a welcoming country.
ECONOMIST: America is wooing foreign tourists for the first time
The party kind of needs to be more welcoming and involved, so I think it is a good step.
He will attack Britain's current stance on asylum seekers and urge people to be more welcoming, arguing against the use of prisons and detention centres to hold refugees.
It would be ironic if a region that is castigated for its attitudes toward women actually turned out to be more welcoming of female entrepreneurs than those doing the castigating.
Briton Mark Prior, who is travelling from Alaska to Brazil ( also the name of their blog) in a camper truck with his wife Sarah, said they have also found people to be refreshingly welcoming.
"As traders say goodbye and probably good riddance to 2011, a year that saw most of the European and Asian indices recording double-digit losses, traders may not be so welcoming to 2012 either, " said Jonathan Sudaria, a dealer at brokerage Capital Spreads.
In future, he thinks, the country should be much more welcoming to young people from around Asia.
To solve our math problem, science, technology, engineering and math professions need to be attractive and welcoming to all talent pools.
Mormons tend to be both trusting and welcoming of newcomers, says Keith Woodwell, head of Utah's Division of Securities.
ECONOMIST: The big business of swindling people who trust you
Margo Macdonald (Lothians, Independent) referred to three asylum seekers on hunger strike and asked how Scotland can be promoted as a welcoming place.
Which welcoming country would now be able to boast Intel as one of its crown-jewel companies, whose innovations have revolutionized the world?
Italians might be known for their warm and welcoming manner, but foreign investors shouldn't expect the same from the country's political power brokers.
It was also unique, in my cruising experience, to watch the entire crew pitch in on virtually every task, including the captain, who seemed to be everywhere all the time, welcoming us back from land tours, having dinner with almost everyone and actually help handle baggage at the end of the cruise!
FORBES: Watching History Unfold: A Cruise Expert Takes His First River Cruise
It would be apt to mark the anniversary by welcoming Russia back into the European fold.
Self-interest just needs to be surrounded with a generous, welcoming spirit.
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Friendliness can mean different things to different people, and certainly what seems like a welcoming town to some can be unpleasant to others.