And he argues that apprenticeships must be "well regarded" if they are not to be viewed as a lower status alternative to university.
Nuclear weapons are so destructive and ballistic missiles are so swift, that any substantial increased possibility of their use or any sudden change in their deployment may well be regarded as a definite threat to peace.
Rooms on the higher floors have lake views and food will be provided by the well-regarded Perennial Virant restaurant next door.
And I'd like this signing not to be regarded by other countries as their -- well, stepping aside from the issue.
WHITEHOUSE: Signing of New START Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia
These options have now been ruled out for Thames Valley but, in future, mergers and takeovers should not be regarded as the last resort: it may well be the best and quickest solution for an ailing university to be absorbed by another with successful courses, high standards, good management and a strong image.
Cayne will be replaced as CEO by Bear's president, the well-regarded investment banker Alan Schwartz.
That means it had to be much more efficient, lower cost, high volume, and well regarded than even its most optimistic backers probably expected.
FORBES: What Solyndra's Bankruptcy Means For Silicon Valley Solar Startups
He also asked Elena Kagan, the well-regarded dean of Harvard Law School, to be solicitor-general, which increased speculation about her possible appointment to the Supreme Court, should one of the justices leave Mr Obama with a vacancy to fill.
Millennium seems to be on a tear to convince investors that it can jump from being a well-regarded but unprofitable biotech to a drugmaker with tangible profits.
You would hope the Americans made it clear in the talks that a launch would be regarded not just as a breach of UNSC resolutions, but of the bilateral deal as well.
Last month, Elizabeth Durack, a well-regarded 81-year-old artist from Western Australia, was revealed to be the person who painted pictures supposedly by an aboriginal artist called Eddie Burrup that had been appearing in Australian galleries and competitions since 1994.
The criminal justice system has come to be regarded, for better of worse, as the mechanism for sorting out our social angst as well as catching Burglar Bill.