Assuming a normal retracement pattern, your 10% gain will be wiped out before year-end.
The need for secure vaccine production will become even more vital should polio be wiped out.
All of this, could be wiped out in one blow by a Conservative recovery.
They will still be registered as companies, so shareholders' equity may not be wiped out.
But if the market eventually turns against him his capital may be wiped out.
The official debt, after all, can be wiped out in real terms by printing money and raising prices.
Entire days' worth of appointments would be wiped out, and hot-weather forecasts discouraged reservations for days at a time.
"If Europe does not advance it will fall or even be wiped out from the world map, " Mr Hollande said.
It will certainly be wiped out if stocks make even a modest advance between now and the end of October.
Mr Ellison's prediction might then come true, but with a drawback: his own firm, Oracle, would be wiped out too.
If it falls by a like amount, your investment will be wiped out and your account subject to a margin call.
Equity investors should be wiped out and senior management shown the door.
FORBES: Huntsman's Good Idea: Tax Giant Financial Institutions
The IPCC report said tropical islands could be wiped out by rising sea levels while warmer weather could melt Alpine ski slopes.
It would lead to bigger losses for senior bondholders, which during a radical restructuring would be wiped out before any deposits are touched.
WSJ: Brussels Beat: Another European Divide: Protecting the Depositors
To put this in another way, just 0.2% of these mortgages would have to go bad for this capital to be wiped out.
In America, Britain and elsewhere, these treat student debt as a special case: unlike other forms of debt, it cannot be wiped out.
Even if waiting another year might bring lower prices, at least some of that advantage could be wiped out by an interest-rate spike.
Among the biggest losers in the bankruptcy are shareholders, including financiers Bennett LeBow and William Ackman, whose investments in Borders likely will be wiped out.
Of course, regular-season proficiency can be wiped out by post-season stumbles.
The same principle led to fundamental changes in personal bankruptcy laws--debts could be wiped out or rescheduled without someone having to go to debtors' prison.
They will likely fade away, be absorbed or be wiped out.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: In Egypt, Christians endure their 'Kristallnacht'
The same principle led to fundamental changes in personal bankruptcy laws--debt could be wiped out or rescheduled without a person's having to go to debtors' prison.
An island-full of identical individuals could be wiped out by an infection, just as entire crops of genetically identical plants may succumb to plague and pestilence.
With interest rates at paltry levels and seemingly destined to rise, bond owners confront the ugly possibility that any coupons they receive will be wiped out by capital losses.
And if GM and Chrysler were wiped out, then suppliers would be wiped out and dealerships would have been wiped out, and communities would have been even more devastated.
He said it was worth giving up higher growth to concetrate on paying off the national debt, which he believes should be wiped out altogether by the end of the decade.
If and when face-recognition technology improves to the point where surreptitious cameras can routinely recognise individuals, privacy, as it has existed in the public sphere, will in effect be wiped out.
He predicts that six or seven months of the industry's earnings will be wiped out, increasing pressure on some of Italy's weaker houses, such as Capitalia and Banca Nazionale del Lavoro.