Could a pregnant woman be charged with child abuse if she smokes, or be denied chemotherapy if it might hurt the fetus?
To be charged with child recruitment in the UK the accused has to be a UK resident.
If you bump into your lawyer at the supermarket at the weekend, he may be wearing shorts and be with his child.
Traditional Gypsies, such as those who can be found begging with child on hip in the London Underground, are mostly from Romania, the descendants of freed slaves.
That would be someone with a child likely to get financial aid at any one of two dozen schools that use the so-called Section 568 formula for awarding aid.
Andrew, who is due to complete the process of adopting a daughter on Wednesday, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that it took him and his wife two years to be matched with a child after they were approved as adoptive parents.
According to the state of Washington, more than 75% of families who have attended a training class through Wing-Kovarik's group have gone on to be placed with a foster child.
CNN: Breaking down barriers so foster kids can find a family
Politicians rushed to be photographed with the rescued child.
"Every child with strep throat should be treated, but without more evidence, we don't want parents of children with OCD or tic disorders to think that their child can be cured by antibiotics, " says Mary Anne Jackson, a member of the academy's committee on infectious diseases.
But Lobo soon decided it was better for the child to be with his mother than in daycare while he worked.
Children may have fears about going back to school, which counselors try to assuage by identifying whom the child can be with in order to feel safe.
In addition to new guidelines for police and prosecutors in England and Wales, a panel will review cases where alleged perpetrators were not charged and new training will be offered to those dealing with child exploitation cases.
Ms. HILLMAN: Well, on the common sense , if would be left up to the poll worker to decide is this four-year-old child with a campaign t-shirt would be violating the issue and one with hope that what Doug referred to as common sense would prevail to say this child isn't saying anything, this child isn't campaigning.
In her mind, a woman with no child could be explained only by vast untrammelled calamity.
You've also got to be prepared to be your child's advocate with schools, neighbors and community activities.
It appears that a particular group of mothers may be susceptible to having a child with a cleft.
Farrow's barrister, Peter Gower QC, told the jury his mother had "understood there to be something wrong with him as a child".
BBC: Stephen Farrow murder trial: Accused's 'rape fantasies'
But they also put in a special request: that the child be genetically compatible with its sister so as to serve as a tissue donor.
Even if there was, there is thought to be only a one in 50 chance of the Whittakers having another child with the illness, so they would not be good candidates for this type of "pre-implantation genetic diagnosis".
He'll blast off in a Russian capsule, and after it docks with the space station, he'll be able to shake hands with Sergei Volkov, the first child of a Russian cosmonaut to go up.
Even at 30mph, a child can be thrown forward with a potentially lethal force of 30 to 60 times its own body weight.
To be diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder, a child must meet criteria spelled out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
But Tom Kolon, MD Urologist at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia points out there can be a problem with leaving it until the child has grown up.
In another case, the Office obtained the assurances of the Cypriot attorney general that a woman agreeing to return from Britain to Cyprus with her child would not be prosecuted by the Cypriot authorities.
And building a pipeline to Turkey from Baku would be child's play compared with the Russian project, which involves laying the deepest undersea pipeline in the world, through the corrosive sludge of the Black Sea bed.
Primarily it is expected that the aim should be to strive to form the child to be an acceptable member of the society, in accordance with his or her individual capacities and natural abilities.
Setting an educational course for a child with unique needs can be a daunting task for parents.
FORBES: Set an Education Course for a Child with Special Needs
Sinn Fein Assembly member Michael Ferguson, who helped organise the visit, said government rhetoric on child poverty needed to be matched with real funds.
Each fostered child should be able to live with a foster carer carefully chosen to match their specific needs in terms of location, lifestyle, language and culture.