Believing the tracks would bear up, Kumar also made the trains heavier and increased the load they could carry from 54 tons per wagon to 68 tons.
Kozlowsky's department is among those that have helped in the Newtown force in the days since the shooting -- days with a seemingly endless procession of funerals, with families trying to bear up under unbearable mountains of grief.
"But the real problem is that in the absence of comprehensive immigration reform, you're asking the state, you're asking officials of the state, like the people of the department of motor vehicles, to, in effect, ratify someone who is not here legally as someone who is going to be given a privilege, a document from the state, and, you know, it just didn't bear up under a lot of scrutiny, " she explained.
The bear grew up, became sexually mature and aggressive, and attacked the man.
The Fed and other regulators will work hard to ensure that Bear ends up under the wing of a stronger rival.
Stocks will have a bear market rally up to a 11, 000 to 13, 000 Dow over the next several months.
Fuld has had to come out several times since Bear Stearns blew up to say Lehman is not next.
Bear Stearns shot up 12% after an analyst repeated a report that has been circulating for weeks that the bank was about to get a major equity investor.
Stunned dealers and traders at Bear Stearns turned up for work Monday to find the value of their stock options in tatters and the future of their jobs up in the air.
There are economic reasons why BABs underwriting fees may have started out high and then come down: underwriters took on risk with a new product and had to bear start-up costs and devote resources to educate investors for their initial offerings.
Just suck it up and bear the cost and the price of free speech?
Carriers also note that customers themselves bear responsibility for keeping up with their accounts.
But that's the last time Bear Stearns brought it up, suggesting the matter had been sidelined or dropped.
And it was a bear to lug it up the 27 steps while balancing my lap top and carry-on bag.
FORBES: Why The Most Successful People Succeed: A Case Study
Dimon was speaking at a Council on Foreign Relations event today when the topic of the Bear Stearns acquisition came up.
FORBES: Don't Count On Jamie Dimon's Help During The Next Financial Crisis
In the wake of the Bear Stearns blow-up, rule makers will put renewed emphasis on the cash positions of major financial institutions--a traditional gauge of a bank's ability to weather crisis.
Nazif Mujic re-enacted his family's real-life struggle to get vital medical treatment in the low-budget An Episode In the Life of an Iron Picker, which also picked up the runner-up Silver Bear award.
Trading in Bear shares was so frantic that many didn't settle properly, and so Bear Stearns starting showing up on the New York Stock Exchange's daily list of stocks with high incidences of persistent trade settlement failures.
When his friend Billy Calloway got a road bike, he got one too, and the pair would set off across the George Washington Bridge and up to Bear Mountain, utterly clueless, a single water bottle between them, Dave dressed in surfer shorts and wrestling shoes.
Little Bear and Franklin are catching up, with dozens of licensees making items like bedroom slippers.
An excuse for the promotional sharks, both bull and bear, and stir up the waters.
Alliance said both main unionist parties must bear some responsibility for stoking up the flag issue.
BBC: Northern Ireland Assembly session over flag disturbances
Why should retailers in particular bear the cost of gearing up to support this new payment method?
Freemantle, ridden by Johnny Murtagh, made the break, with 2-1 favourite Crowded House struggling to keep up as Black Bear island made his move.
With few exceptions, even mutual funds that have historically held up well in bear markets have been battered by the recent upheaval on Wall Street.
Special Offer : Gary Shilling was mocked for predicting a housing crash back in 2006, but he and his subscribers cleaned up during the bear market.
In a bear market the convert holds up better than the common stock, but in a bull market it will not rise dollar for dollar with the stock.
Developing countries complain, with some justification, that they should not have to bear the cost of cleaning up a problem that has been caused mainly by the rich nations.
So then think of stocks that are in basically stable and strong fields, with a defined franchise, that have been beaten up in the bear market and likely overly so.