Fuld has had to come out several times since Bear Stearns blew up to say Lehman is not next.
Stocks will have a bear market rally up to a 11, 000 to 13, 000 Dow over the next several months.
There are economic reasons why BABs underwriting fees may have started out high and then come down: underwriters took on risk with a new product and had to bear start-up costs and devote resources to educate investors for their initial offerings.
This evening, I am thinking of all the writers, translators, philosophers, sociologists, historians, artists, publishers and theatre directors from different backgrounds who have stepped up to this stage to bear witness to the vitality and diversity of Arab culture.
Their burdens are ones that no one should have to bear alone, and it is up to all of us to live our lives in a way worthy of their sacrifice.
Many of my friends are stubbornly clinging to their bear stances, unwilling to give up on their pessimistic view of the market, but that could be a mistake.
Kozlowsky's department is among those that have helped in the Newtown force in the days since the shooting -- days with a seemingly endless procession of funerals, with families trying to bear up under unbearable mountains of grief.
When his friend Billy Calloway got a road bike, he got one too, and the pair would set off across the George Washington Bridge and up to Bear Mountain, utterly clueless, a single water bottle between them, Dave dressed in surfer shorts and wrestling shoes.
"This is truly a remarkable turn of events and it again demonstrates the collective power that can be brought to bear when law enforcement and the public team up to combat the sexual exploitation of children, " Morton said.
For what this really does is removes much of the pressure that the Troika (ECB, EU Commission and IMF) can bring to bear on the Greek Government to just shut up and force austerity down the throats of the citizenry.
New England was expected to bear the brunt of the storm, but up to 20 inches of snow were expected in the New York City area, parts of which are still recovering from Sandy, which hit the area in late October.
The thing to bear in mind is the leg up like the initial 1980s to 2000 bull run, is not impossible.
Why should retailers in particular bear the cost of gearing up to support this new payment method?
And it was a bear to lug it up the 27 steps while balancing my lap top and carry-on bag.
FORBES: Why The Most Successful People Succeed: A Case Study
The first cyclical bull market since the secular bear market began, carried the market back up to its peak of 2000 before the 2007-2009 cyclical bear market took over.
FORBES: This Bull Market Could Hit Old 2000 Peak Before Ending
Stunned dealers and traders at Bear Stearns turned up for work Monday to find the value of their stock options in tatters and the future of their jobs up in the air.
When these corporations and wealthy Americans fail to pay up, who do you imagine is forced to bear the fiscal burdens in their place?
The resistance comes chiefly from middle-ranking officers who cannot bear to wave goodbye to the weapons with which they have grown up.
The Fed and other regulators will work hard to ensure that Bear ends up under the wing of a stronger rival.
JPMorgan is making the loan, but the Fed is backing it up by agreeing to take Bear Stearns' collateral and not hold JPMorgan responsible if the collateral is rendered worthless.
The evidence of criminally fraudulent acts during the period leading up to the failure of Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Washington Mutual, and the constructive failure of other financial institutions like New Century from 2007 to 2009 abounds.
FORBES: Roger Lowenstein Dismisses Charges Against Wall Street; Not So Fast
Just then the son, who had come home from Bear Hill, asked his mother to wind up the gramophone.
As the problems mounted up they became too much to bear and she had used alcohol to blot them out.
Freemantle, ridden by Johnny Murtagh, made the break, with 2-1 favourite Crowded House struggling to keep up as Black Bear island made his move.
Developing countries complain, with some justification, that they should not have to bear the cost of cleaning up a problem that has been caused mainly by the rich nations.
Owners of the Xperia Play, it's time to curl up with a teddy bear and your favorite ice cream -- just as long as it's not in sandwich form.
ENGADGET: Sony pushing ICS to more devices next week, confirms Xperia Play won't be upgraded
Now sure, these may make the 1, 520mAh battery inside the phone look feeble and silly, but do bear in mind that these aren't the "up to" numbers.
ENGADGET: ASUS PadFone's real world battery life: 14.1 hours of 3G browsing in laptop mode (video)
As 2010 has unfurled and we have seen Athens ablaze in May and workers on strike elsewhere it has been claimed by many wise economic heads that the chaos of breaking up the Euro would be too costly to bear?
The tracking stock is likely to bear the MCI name, which was swallowed up when Clinton, Miss.