Setting aside the fact that Halperin did in the past sport a beard and long hair, Weiner seriously misrepresents Halperin's views on legislation that would have made the unmasking of U.S. intelligence operatives a felony offense.
His bushy hair and long beard contrasted with the bright red hair and close-cropped looks he sported during previous appearances.
His bushy hair and long beard contrasted with the bright red hair and close-cropped facial hair he sported during previous appearances.
Javanfekr is heavy-set, with a helmet of salt-and-pepper hair and a trimmed beard several shades lighter.
He wore a red jail jumpsuit and sported a thick, bushy beard and unkempt dark brown hair.
They may even do it with a beard, shaggy hair and a bandanna.
Sure enough as we pulled up we saw this tall man, you know, we'd all seen pictures of Johnny Otis with the nice hair and he looked like - he looked like a tall, kind of, like a creole man with a nice mustache and a beard and, you know, nice pompadour hair, and he was standing there all stately, and he had two or three more guys with him.
Compared to them, Shipman seemed pathetic, a small, colourless man, with grey close-cropped hair and beard, and an unhealthy prison pallor.
Detectives said the 32-year-old, of Park Terrace, Winlaton, was well known in the area due to his "long hair and beard".
BBC: Winlaton murder: John Roberts was child abduction suspect
From where she stood, her elbows resting on the railing three floors above, he looked, despite his gray hair and beard, like a small child waiting for permission that he was almost certain would not be granted.
The defendant, with short cropped hair and goatee beard, was then brought in and confirmed his name to the court.
Nor did Bebe realize that the old man in bombachas with a beard, long tangled hair, and a bare chest tanned by the sun was his father.
He was no longer the slender boy who had enlisted nine years earlier but a thickset man, with shaggy hair and an untamed beard.
McMullan cuts exactly the figure that one would hope: the stained white suit, the tie askew, the despairing beard, the eruptive complexion, and the hair that no comb would dare engage.
Mr Williams, who was 5ft 9in (1.7m), with short brown hair and a brown beard, had a barbed wire tattoo across his collar bone and often wore glasses with very thick lenses, officers said.
Mr Williams, who was 5ft 9ins (1.7m), with short brown hair and a brown beard, had a barbed wire tattoo across his collar bone and often wore glasses with very thick lenses, officers said.
BBC: Hove pitch and putt murder: Several sightings of victim
The man was white, between 40 and 50 years old, 5ft 8ins to 5ft 9ins, of slim build with blonde or reddish short cropped hair and a wispy ginger beard.
An elfin man with cropped black hair and a thin line of beard, he was dressed in the eccentrically antic manner of Raskolnikov.
Mr Armstrong, who is 6ft 2ins tall, has fair hair and an occasional short red beard, had been in Thailand since last April and had been on a diving course on the island of Koh Tao.
When Boyden arrived at Georgia Tech in February to give a lecture in the "Young Innovators" series, his puffy North Face jacket, slightly tousled curly locks and frizzy beard contrasted with Forest's pressed suit, lilac collared shirt and short salt-and-pepper hair -- almost like an Apple vs.
His meticulously combed and pomaded beard merged into a full head of black hair.
He had long hair, a long beard, wore moccasins, and was a dulcimer-maker.
ECONOMIST: Bob Hunter, inspirer of Greenpeace, died on May 2nd, aged 63
He is 5ft 6ins tall, of slim build with unkempt black hair and had a stubbly chin but may now have a full beard.
To the Amish, a beard is a significant symbol of faith and manhood, and the way Amish women wear their hair also is a symbol of faith.
He is organizing the next National Beard and Mustache Championships in New Orleans in September, where people vie in various facial-hair matches such as best Dali mustache or freestyle beard.