Steny Hoyer of Maryland beat back a determined effort by Pennsylvania's John Murtha to become the next majority leader.
Debate on the bill stalled indefinitely after Democrats failed to beat back a Republican attempt to kill the measure.
Three years ago they beat back a harsh takeover attempt by Simon Property.
After four 12-hour days of sandbagging, Trish Connelly, 57, was exhausted but optimistic the town would beat back the river.
Tobacco companies, with deep pockets for legal maneuvering, easily beat back early suits, including the first one, filed in 1954.
My wife would have wanted all of us to get together and pull together and to beat back this terrorist threat.
These six young men raising the flag came to symbolize all of America coming together to beat back a totalitarian aggressor.
Cisco or Oracle might have the clout and marketing muscle to beat back the technological tide, but smaller players surely don't.
Whatever his faults, Mr Mendonca de Barros had the sheer force of will needed to beat back vested interests opposing privatisations.
On the Senate floor, supporters beat back an amendment offered by Sen.
Likewise, Adam Smith penned his grand defense of free trade to beat back the mercantilist ideologies that held sway in 18th century Europe.
Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay survived yesterday's Republican primary in Sugarland, Texas, while Democrat Henry Cuellar beat back a challenge in Laredo.
My mind beat back north, thinking of the puffins' flight, the lines we leave behind us, the spacious weave, our wake, then sleep.
Toomey said Thursday he believes supporters of the proposal that he and Manchin have advanced will be able to beat back any filibuster attempt.
This SEC action will help derail the effort that Goldman Sachs and other banks have mounted to beat back sweeping financial reform in Washington.
The industry, lobbying against the new rules, has hired some pricey consultants to help it try to beat back the Education Department.
FORBES: COCO, DeVry And Other School Stocks Will Beat Back Uncle Sam
But on Sunday, a top Republican beat back against such criticism.
Moreover, Yum has been hesitant to rise prices, Bernstein says, something other restaurants have done to beat back inflation on everything from avocados to beef.
FORBES: Remember Einhorn's Answer: Yum! Brands Doesn't Have The Best Ingredients For Growth
But Roche has one U.S. patent that might enable it to beat back the infringement suit and, in any event, it has free rein in Europe.
To catch you up, Windows RT is designed to run on ARM-based devices in an attempt to beat back iOS and Android in the tablet space.
ENGADGET: Samsung ATIV Tab review: the Windows RT tablet you'll never find in the US
The Obama administration beat back an attempt in Congress in December to overturn its easing measures, but shows no sign of wanting to open up further.
ECONOMIST: Cubans on the other side of the water are slowly changing too
Over the past 50 years the U.S government has been a major player in coordinated global efforts to beat back major killers like smallpox, polio and measles.
Democrats would certainly love that, and Republicans are now going to be working very hard to try to beat back this trend that yesterday's results only exacerbated.
So far, the medical establishment has beat back those efforts.
Other financial crime prosecutions that have gone badly: Former Credit Suisse banker Frank Quattrone beat back two attempts by the Justice Department to get him for obstruction of justice.
FORBES: The Clemens Verdict: Another Wild Pitch By The Department Of Justice
Fictional memoirs of the Roman general and consul who decisively beat back the mortal threat of Hannibal and rival power Carthage, thereby establishing the Roman Empire's extraordinary dominance for the next semimillennium.
Thanks in no small part to Leonard's consistently sage advice, we were able to beat back the attacks and put superb teams in place in Washington and at the radios' headquarters in Munich.
Last year global liquidity took a dive after Alan Greenspan, the U.S. Federal Reserve chairman, cranked up interest rates to beat back the stirrings of inflation in America and defend the falling dollar.