Mr Ross, 44, who was considered vulnerable following a brain injury, became agitated and started crying.
BBC: David Johnson guilty of stabbing man with kitchen knife
He was quiet and pleasant, though he became agitated when his lift did not arrive and he thought he would miss his train at 2100.
The singer has not seen her children since 3 January, when she became agitated and was taken to hospital at the end of a court-monitored visit with them.
Police said the horse became agitated while it was being transported and managed to dislodge the enclosure in the horse box which restricts movement and supports the animal in transit.
Once one was given a more desirable grape while the other continued to receive only cucumbers, the cucumber recipient became agitated, threw his pebbles out of his cage and eventually refused to perform any further tasks for the researchers whatsoever.
They were not allowed to enter the base due to security arrangements and became increasingly agitated.
The home support became increasingly agitated as the sea of red piled forward, with Ronaldo just inches away from opening the scoring with yet another free-kick.
As Wilson tells the story, the Cardinal became so agitated one night, observing a dinner guest pick his teeth with the double-edged knife still in use, that he ordered blunt knives for his household.
Newcastle were penned back in their own half for long periods, although as the clocked ticked down they grew in confidence and the home fans became a little agitated.
Inspectors were also concerned there was nowhere that could be used when patients became distressed or agitated because the intensive care suite had been permanently occupied for several months by one person.
His movements around the room became more and more agitated and unpredictable.