You will never see a Ferrari electric because I don't believe in electric cars, because I don't think they represent an important step forward for pollution or CO2 or the environment.
"The old excuse was, 'I'd love to exercise or prepare healthy meals, but I can't because I don't have the time, '" says lead researcher Thomas J.
"I don't vote party lines because I don't always agree with either party, Democrats or Republicans, " she said.
Again, I don't want to give you an itemized list of topics that were discussed because I don't have that list to read from for you and I don't wan to say that something was discussed if I don't know for sure that it was.
"Put it this way: I don't wanna call you crazy, because I don't know you well enough to call you crazy, " he said politely when asked about the strategy.
"I haven't sold it because I don't believe the cow has been milked completely, " he explains.
"I can't say anything because I don't know, " said director Jeff Nichols.
"I don't think Sir Allen is the answer because I don't honestly believe that he is interested in West Indies cricket more than his own interests, " he said.
And if you see her, won't you please say hello, because I don't know if I can do this alone.
"I don't mind being depicted as a decadent partyer because I don't think there's anything morally wrong with that, " says Parker, quickly adding that the partying was exaggerated, too.
It was brought on by William Gheen from ALIPAC, and I really can't talk about it because I don't have any information on it.
"I retire today not because I don't feel I can go out there and still play the game at a very high level, " Merriman wrote.
In this blog I can't really make specific treatment recommendations for you, because I don't know you well enough.
I've lost two jobs in two years here in Ohio, and I feel guilty just accepting the school lunch program for my kids because I don't really like what they're eating, and I don't feel it's healthy, but I need to do that to stretch the food stamps longer.
Because I'm nearly 50, I'm single, because I don't have children.
You know, I guess we'll have a May election but by the time the election comes this will be regarded as rather insignificant because I don't believe - I can be proved wrong - but I don't believe any major wrongdoing is going to be proved.
"I won't tell you that one or the other is dead because I don't know, " he said.
BBC: Islamist commander Abou Zeid's death in Mali 'probable'
They would tell you, we don't really know, but in fact they cannot know because I don't think these charges have any relations to underlying costs.
This study doesn't tell me much because I don't have confidence in what is happening.
Because I don't do marzipan, I don't have marzipan in my house, and my kids don't eat marzipan.
I'm pretty sure I didn't hit anybody, but I'm not gonna say that because I don't know for sure.
This isn't as easy as it sounds because I don't think there is any age or milestone that, once attained, guarantees that the child will use the money as we intended.
So if your business is anything like the vast majority of small businesses out there, this requirement simply won't apply to you -- because I don't think it's fair to impose a penalty on small businesses that are already operating at very narrow margins.
Now, if that's their opening position or their closing position in negotiations, then we're probably not going to make much progress, because I don't think that's economically sound and I don't think that's what the American people expect, is for us to stand by and do nothing.
But I hope we can stay focused on what's really at stake in the election, because I don't think it's about any of us as candidates, I think it's about your listeners.
NPR: Despite Polls, Hillary Clinton Is Optimistic About S.C.
So for me, I constantly have to be looking down at my feet to make sure I place them some place that they're going to stay because I don't know when they're going to spit off and when I'm going to fall.
We're going to have a manufacturing policy, because I don't believe we can remain a great country with a strong economy if we don't make things in America.
CNN: Clinton's November 19, 2007, speech on economic challenges
"I can't predict one way or another because what I don't want to do is try to do something and come back sooner than I should and end up being a longer time, " Wright said.
Ms. DAHLIA CLARK (Student, Bethune Elementary School): Because I don't like school at all.