Anna, do you want to chime in, because I know you worked on this.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Economic Recovery Advisory Board | The White House
"This will be very quick because I know you don't want to listen to me, " he said.
But understand, Bill, because I know you paid attention extensively during the campaign.
So let me ask you all one last thing, because I know you're already fired up -- (applause) -- but are you in?
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- Sterling, VA
With all due respect, she said, and because I know you consider us as equals but different, with me covering the brainy angle and special inventions and whatnot?
Let me be absolutely clear, because I know you'll end up hearing some of the same claims that rolling back these tax breaks means a massive tax increase on the American people.
Because I know you get tired, right?
WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady Speaks on the HealthierUS School Challenge
There are times when people feel like they can reach through the TV screen and say 'I own you, I know you because I buy a product you represent'.
So -- and I want to thank all the teachers and the faculty, the staff who are here, because I know that you guys put your heart and soul into doing this great work.
And what I want young people to understand, especially our young people in college, because I know that you face some struggles and you have some doubts and you hit some barriers and you wonder where this is all worth it, whether this change can really happen.
And because I know some of you want to know: No, he does not take the helmet off.
"Put it this way: I don't wanna call you crazy, because I don't know you well enough to call you crazy, " he said politely when asked about the strategy.
In this blog I can't really make specific treatment recommendations for you, because I don't know you well enough.
But you all are also here, I know, today because you know that this is about more than just fulfilling a business obligation or a civic obligation.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks at Meeting to Address Youth Violence | The White House
Ms. PARKER: You know, some days I do because, you know, it does put a lot of stress on myself and my husband, and it's hard to work two jobs and hold it all together.
And I thought about it for a second, you know, because I knew most of the guys I knew who dealt, they had nice clothes, you know, they had pagers, they had all these things that I really wanted at the time.
The other thing is that, you know, I have, in some way, been where you are, because, you know, I didn't come into this position with a lot of wealth, with a lot of resources.
WHITEHOUSE: Roundtable with the First Lady and Mary's Center Teen Program | The White House
And because I know some of you are bursting to know, yes, there is a Field of View (FOV) slider in the graphics options.
Like I try to prepare myself because I - you know, when kids are really little and they fall down and they're not quite sure if they're hurt, so they look at you.
Mr. MELDRUM: Well, I managed to stay as long as I did because I had, you know, established Zimbabwe as my home, and I had a permanent residence in Zimbabwe.
Ms. JACKIE SALLOUM (Director, "Slingshot Hip-Hop"): Growing up in this country as an Arab-American was pretty challenging when I was younger because, you know, everything I saw on television was really negative.
You know, you just got to be ready for whatever this girl is going to come up with next because, you know, I'm always, you know that, I'm always cooking with gas.
When I look out at all of you, I feel confident because I know that as long as there are young people like you who still have hope and are still inspired by the possibilities of America, then there are going to be better days for this country. (Applause.) I know that we are going to come through this stronger than before.
And I think you know, because you covered it, that we have tried it all ways -- both ways, if you will -- and that includes lots of negotiations and sitting across the table with leaders in Congress.
But what you may not know, you may not know this because I didn't know this until recently, it's actually based on a book.
But let's keep this in perspective, because I want you to know that this journey is going to be hard.
And let me tell you -- I love you, too -- but let me explain something to all the fellas, because I want you to know what it takes.
Mr. MEAD: Well, we use them as eyes for vegetables because I think, you know, a lot of times pumpkins are great to carve, but sometimes you want to do an easier project.
Because I wanted to know, you know, is this something that is, goes from the bottom of the police department all the way up and you have a network or ring of cops working together?
So three more days for four more years. (Applause.) And I am here because I know that all of you are going to be out there for the next three days talking to folks.