• Obviously you talked about -- because I think you're talking about several different steps on the road toward financial stability.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • They are beginning to differ because I think you are going to see a different message in Ohio, in Wisconsin, and states that have been hard hit by manufacturing job loss.

    NPR: Candidates Aggressively Court Superdelegates

  • And some of those are still going to be painful because I think you're not going to see a situation where the U.S. automakers are gaining the kind of share that they had back in the 1950s.

    WHITEHOUSE: Online Town Hall

  • The first bill I signed into law was making sure that there was equal pay for equal work for women -- the Lilly Ledbetter Act -- (applause) -- because I think you should be paid the same for doing the same work.

    WHITEHOUSE: Creating New Jobs by Investing in High-Speed Rail

  • Because I think you've got to face up to the fact that if you are a conscientious objector in a time of war, of your country at war, then you are excluded from the assembly of your countrymen in a particular manner.

    BBC: World: Analysis

  • The last one, the one I like the most of the three names that I will give you, because those two I think you need to watch for, maybe in the next day or two, coming into the buy range, but is this Bridgepoint Education ( BPI).

    FORBES: 8 Big Picks to Win in Q4 and Beyond

  • Ms. ZEHRA: Because I think that you still don't see any major national movement that is emerging to oust Musharraf.

    NPR: Musharraf Sparks Political Crisis

  • The issue in this election is not going to be enthusiasm, because I think about you all on buses and in carpools and airplanes traveling here to Charlotte.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Mr. MEAD: Well, we use them as eyes for vegetables because I think, you know, a lot of times pumpkins are great to carve, but sometimes you want to do an easier project.

    NPR: Author Shares Tricks And Treats For All

  • Ms. L. KEEGAN: Well, because I think that you get to the point in your life where you realize that, you know, politicians are an amazing thing and people that run the country are amazing.

    NPR: Take Me To Your Leader: A National Journey

  • Because I think what you saw over the weekend is that you heard the two Republican leaders -- Mitch McConnell and John Boehner -- start talking about how we need to work through a continuing resolution.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • So this kind of case can escalate, and unfortunately I don't think enough consideration is given to the human side of individuals' ego, individuals' sense of self-respect, because I think if you respected people and talked to them in a respectful way, you can de-escalate many of these situations that ultimately escalate out of control.

    NPR: Black And Blue: Police And Minorities

  • But if you ever start to lose heart, I brought you all here today because I want you to think of each other.

    WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Addresses Young African Women Leaders | The White House

  • And there are other people, I think, who are disappointed because I think there was, you know, desire to see the all-time home-run record be untainted, you know.

    NPR: Report: A-Rod Tested Positive For Steroids

  • Eddie O'Sullivan must be concerned because I do not think you are going to see anything new from Ireland.

    BBC: Zinzan Brooke column

  • Because otherwise, I think you will further undermine the labor market for people like the ones Kim is referring to.

    CNN: Transcript of Thursday's Democratic presidential debate

  • And the reason, I think, is because when you think about Africa, Africa is the youngest continent.

    WHITEHOUSE: Town Hall with Young African Leaders

  • Mr. WILLIAM SAFIRE (The New York Times): I'm seething inside because I cannot tell you what I really think of the unchecked abuse of prosecutorial discretion.

    NPR: Judiciary Committee Considers Reporter Shield Law

  • "Because I didn't think, you know, at age 29, that I was necessarily ready for it, " and he didn't want to be pushed into running, Dodd says.

    NPR: Dodd's First Race Was Call to Service, Legacy

  • And, again, I thank you for reading that because I think it represents the effort that we made, that Ambassador Rice made, and others made to make clear that these were initial assessments and that they were subject to change as more clarity became available on what exactly happened, who was responsible, who they were affiliated with or not, and why four Americans died as a result.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Yes, I'd like to reinforce the point that you made because I think there is a certain amount of misapprehension on this issue.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Ms. WITTER: Yeah, and she was - candidate - she was a wife of the vice president, but I think that there is a party difference and I think the party's are different because they have different values and I think that, you know, the first person who almost was the first woman president was a Democrat, and I do think that speaks to how the two parties view women.

    NPR: Candidate's Wives Put Under the Microscope

  • Because when you think about it, what I think you're doing is buying above-average companies at below-average prices.

    FORBES: Intelligent Investing Transcript

  • And I think, also, that the tax issue that you brought up is interesting because I think the vast majority of Amazon shoppers still don't pay taxes on their purchases.

    NPR: Big Technology A Threat To Small Businesses?

  • "I don't like to be categorized because I think that I am an instrument, and if you play me, I'll make whatever particular sound is supposed to come out for that color, " Summer said.


  • "I don't like to be categorized because I think that I am an instrument, and if you play me, I'll make whatever particular sound is supposed to come out for that color, " Summer told CNN in a 2008 interview.

    CNN: Disco queen Donna Summer dies at 63

  • We think differently, I think, because of you.

    NPR: Judy Collins, From Both Sides Now

  • And I'm mentioning to you Islamic primary sources and I think that's important because these are not sources that were written by, you know, polemicists or Christians or non-Muslims, but by Islam's own most authoritative and revered historians and theologians.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Raymond Ibrahim: Shariah, Dhimmitude & the Copts

  • Mr. DEAN BARKLEY (Independent Senatorial Candidate, Minnesota): I really have to thank them both for doing it right now because I think I have been the beneficiary of the negative ads because you're driving people to me.

    NPR: In Minn., A Tight Race For U.S. Senate

  • There are those who say 'look the answer to this is more security, more soldiers', there are those who say 'forget about security the answer to this is more political change, democratic change', both of those I think are wrong because you need both of those, you need to be vigilant over security at the same time as you change the nature of Northern Ireland.

    BBC: News Online

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