TiVo also seems to be aiming to get past its rocky relationship with those same TV powers, partly because it has won court battles with them over various patents.
But it's not because either side has won, it's because they've battled to a draw and have entered into a wobbly cease-fire.
Facebook has won the social-media wars because it's where all the people are.
Just because Vegas has never had a housing bust doesn't mean it won't.
It has won the support of the politically powerful MPAA because, unlike a typical search engine, Clicker presents only full-length legal fare.
"It won't replace Cognos or OLAP and reporting tools, because it has a different function, " Vesset added.
The biggest contract winner, Spain's Repsol, has reportedly scaled back its work there because Pemex won't reimburse it for runaway inflation in rigs and workers.
Then June gets a divorce and things heat up a bit, though Johnny has to do his wooing on stage because June won't hear of it backstage.
Dexia won't need to be part of that plan, itself, because today it has been rescued by Belgian, French and Luxembourg governments.
Called Mountain Lion, it won't be as big a change as Windows 8, partly because Apple already has integrated a lot of touch gestures and tablet-type features into the Mac using the touch pad, and has given no indication it plans touch screens.
In short, it is hard to argue that Halliburton is an otherwise unqualified firm that has won business only because of its political connections.
Philosopher Alva Noe wrote in The New York Times last year that this branch of science has not produced any interesting or surprising insights, and that perhaps it won't because of the very nature of art itself -- how can anyone ever say definitively what it is?