• It is also because he IS a highly intelligent man and it is completely impossible that he has not thought this through himself.

    BBC: Hague gambles on Europe

  • I'm not saying he is the fastest man and will win world championships automatically as a result because speed is only one part of it - but on a lap, that man can ride faster than anyone.

    BBC: Steve Parrish's MotoGP column

  • Winnie was hoping the film would be a hit, not only because he is a devout Spider-Man fan, and it's a movie he has waited nearly his whole life to see, but also because its success could increase his net worth by several zeros.

    FORBES: The Amazingly Profitable Spider-Man

  • The case has become an international scandal and London is at its centre because the man who blew the lid on it is a UK citizen living in the capital.

    BBC: Is Russian crime arriving on UK shores?

  • When the French onion soup arrives, served by a French man, because this is a French cheese shop, it is the most delicious I have ever tasted.

    FORBES: The French Are Taking Over London

  • We've reached the point where watching a slightly doughy man in the movies is hilarious because it's so absurd like seeing a burrito in a tuxedo.

    WSJ: Hollywood's New Arms Race: Actors With Muscles

  • So if Mr Oncale can now persuade a lower court that these occurred because he is a man, he can win a suit against his employer for doing nothing to stop it.

    ECONOMIST: Men, women, work and law

  • Mr. MITCHELL: I think it absolutely is, Scott, because the question that Nothing But A Man asks that's still relevant is what kind of a black person are you going to be in this country?

    NPR: 'Crash' Expands Cinema's Exploration of Race

  • The website is "at the core of Mr. Valle's case, " wrote Ms. Gatto in court papers, because it is where Mr. Valle "interacted in cyberspace" with a second man charged in the case, Michael Vanhise, and other alleged fetishists.

    WSJ: Cannibal-Plot Trial of Cop Tests 'Fantasy Defense'

  • It says he is a man of the centre, not just because he makes a lot of speeches about compassionate conservatism but because he has picked someone whom conservatives loathe.

    ECONOMIST: Be my number two

  • It is because almost everyone recognizes that he was a brilliant and gifted good hearted young man who was a core part of the new digital generation and was engaged in making political-social change.

    FORBES: 26-Year-Old Internet Folk Hero Commits Suicide After Years Of Government Harassment

  • The World Bank report goes to great pains to argue that the proverbial angry young man in a poor country resorts to violence not because it is lucrative, though it sometimes can be, but because it provides a source of dignity not dissimilar to that provided by gang membership in poorer parts of the developed world.

    FORBES: In Defense of Political Economy: new ideas on development from the World Bank

  • It's not a happy situation, because Alfred, the old man, is spending quite a bit of time hallucinating.

    BBC: News | NEWSNIGHT | Jonathan Franzen interview transcript

  • No, I would say very firmly because marriage is a relationship between man and woman and I don't think it actually helps to confuse terms, I also believe very strongly in the importance of friendship and people can have a deep friendship and call it friendship but we don't have to muddy the waters in terms of calling, calling it marriage.

    BBC: News Online

  • It's exactly the kind of role that, you know, is tailor-made for Oscar recognition because especially lately, it seems like the Academy loves it when a funny man, you know, turns it around and takes on a serious role.

    NPR: Let's All Go to the Lobby: Holiday Movie Preview

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