On Monday, Mr. Zuckerberg tried to play down any rivalry with Google, saying Facebook's new message service "isn't a Gmail killer" because it won't replace inboxes where people receive bills, receipts, newsletters and other formal emails.
"I don't think they want to provide that because it won't be impressive, " technology analyst Patrick Moorhead said.
"I don't really want Tesco's here because it won't be good for town centre shops such as mine, " he said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid | Local shop fears over Tesco store
At a theoretical top speed of 10 petaflops, the Stampede system would beat that, but because it won't become operational for several years, newer supercomputers will likely surpass it by then.
Mr. GARDNER: Yeah, actually the chorus that's happening behind us right now is talking about how it, you know, you got to get it while you can because it won't last long.
The things that try to be everything to everyone, I think that's a very tough place too because it won't be very relevant to the show and it probably won't be relevant to every genre of content.
ENGADGET: The state of the second screen: Will TV companion apps proliferate or dwindle?
It's because he knows it won't work.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at Ohio University, Athens, OH
"But I don't want the device manufacturers to go out and try to implement it, because you won't think of all the cool ways to do it, " etc etc.
ENGADGET: Live coverage of Google Keynote with Robin Williams
But it's likely that if "Revolution" doesn't succeed during the second half of its first season, it won't be because of winter break.
That either means the recovery won't actually materialise, because households won't want to borrow on that scale, or it means that the economy will remain vulnerable to an interest rate shock for the foreseeable future (if interest rates rise, the spending power of consumers would be devastated).
The biggest contract winner, Spain's Repsol, has reportedly scaled back its work there because Pemex won't reimburse it for runaway inflation in rigs and workers.
If the loan comes apart, Mr Hirsch says, it will be because it can't, or won't, be repaid, not because bankers decide the lending terms are being broken.
Philosopher Alva Noe wrote in The New York Times last year that this branch of science has not produced any interesting or surprising insights, and that perhaps it won't because of the very nature of art itself -- how can anyone ever say definitively what it is?
But the Special Advocates, the security-vetted lawyers asked to act in secret cases where they already exist, don't know the full list because the Home Secretary won't tell them what it is.
Mr. ROONEY: One of the reasons we took this case is because we believe that it will lead to Marines hesitating on the battlefield because they won't have confidence in their chain of command, they won't have confidence that they'll be looked after if these allegations come up.
And The New York Times said it won't attend because of the department's off-the-record ground rules.
But he's worried that it won't, because the moneyed Wall Streeters who swept into the area in the late 1990s have grown cautious.
But if the company is shut down, it won't be because of the appalling conditions at its barns--which house 7 million hens--scattered across central Ohio farmland.
Then June gets a divorce and things heat up a bit, though Johnny has to do his wooing on stage because June won't hear of it backstage.
If European politicians don't begin to tackle the laborious task of creating polities based on popular consultation and accountability, the EU will ultimately founder--and it won't be because some local restaurant is fleecing confused customers.
If Cano ages badly, it likely won't be because he didn't put in the work.
And because silk does not retain moisture, it won't wick moisture or your anti-aging cream away from your skin.
It won't happen, because as Summers brilliantly explained, the Obama administration policy toward Wall Street was "sensationally effective, " according to the FT's Wolf.
The tension between NCR and Finn likely won't resolve easily because it's tied to an ongoing battle over authority in the church, said the Rev.
It helps in some ways because some people are scared of you and won't start on you or anything, but then it's bad in the other sense that people will start on you for it.
If that happens, "people won't build really low because it is a hassle, " Auer says.
She says the police won't pick it up because they're waiting for the UN to come.