The body of South Korean student Da In Lee, 22, was found wrapped in bed clothes at Daniel Jones's Grace Road flat in Tipton, in April 2012.
BBC: Daniel Jones jailed for killing ex-girlfriend Da In Lee
"He was lying there dead, still in his trousers, from the night before when he had gone to bed with his clothes on, " she said.
BBC: Dean Spicer
She changed into her night clothes and got into bed and turned off the lamp, but she was too agitated to sleep.
NEWYORKER: Temporary
Back in the Arbelias home, Nashatt Arbelias sifts through mounds of clothes dumped on their bed, trying to take stock of what's left, what's missing and what's destroyed.
NPR: A Christian Village in Lebanon
Her clothes were neatly laid out on her bed, her family says, suggesting she may have tried on a few outfits before deciding what to wear to the office.
CNN: Inmate says he has clues about missing woman
After arriving at Newark airport in shackles and with only the shirts on their backs, the boys received showers, food, a bed, bandages for leg and foot wounds and a change of clothes.
CNN: Don't turn your back on these children
"He sleeps in the same bed as my youngest, " she says, adding that Petey wears medium sized clothes she buys from online dog-clothing stores.
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We will say "no" to kids going to bed hungry, "no" to kids who don't have the clothes to keep them warm, and "no" for any American working full time and living in poverty.
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