She lives in a three-bed house with her 19-year-old son, who acts as her carer.
The application states the homes will vary from a four-bed house to affordable two-bedroomed flats.
His two-bed house, with a fridge and two air-conditioners, is luxurious by the standards of most of his compatriots but would be thought modest in the West.
The house has been extensively renovated and consists of five guestrooms and a separate one-bed guest house.
From Fairport, spend your first day paddling 12.4 miles east to Palmyra and overnight at the Liberty House Bed and Breakfast, a beautiful Victorian house with decent rates Before heading out for your second day of paddling, take a couple of hours to immerse yourself in this small town's history.
Another good choice is the meticulous Croff House Bed and Breakfast.
Specialist crime scene investigators carried out forensic searches in the alleyway on Friday and at the Grafton House bed-and-breakfast hotel on the same road.
She was found found lying on the charred remains of a bed at the house in Meadowbank Drive, Choppington, with a cord around her neck fastened to a bedside cabinet.
She fled to an aunt's house, but they broke through the gate, so she escaped to the mountains nearby, where she hid under a bed in the house of a friend.
He swam with Lyndon Johnson, who tried to persuade him to run for the presidency, and with his wife he sat on the Reagans' bed in the White House for a late night chat.
He wondered about helping in one of the shops or a bed-and-breakfast house.
Fadel said he was getting ready for bed when men stormed the house, blindfolded him and tied his hands behind his back.
On St Pierre a three-bed, two-bath house is 180, 000 euros, while houses on Miquelon are smaller but with more land and cost about half that.
It was, I mean, that song just reminds me of Saturday mornings, cleaning up, getting laundry ready, making my bed, incense burning, house smelling fresh, sunshine through the window.
The film is rescued and enlivened by Browning, who, for all her radiance, grounds her character in an ordinary jauntiness, even when she graduates to the next level of perversity lying, bare and drugged, in a large bed, in a secluded house, and awaiting the attentions of her predators.
Just move into my house, share my bed and help me raise my children.
FORBES: Women Don't Want To Be Rescued, A Competent Cowboy Will Do
During the incident James Ashley, 39, was shot dead while in bed with his girlfriend at his house in St Leonards, East Sussex.
Her mother said she had put Millie to bed leaving Mr McCarney in the house while she went to get a carry out.
Over in the Pines are the Hotel Ciel and the Madison Guest House, a luxurious bed and breakfast with a pool and only a few rooms.
The jury was previously shown an image of a child, alleged to be Tia although the girl's face cannot be seen, on a bed at her grandmother's house.
I've been joking lately that my room is exactly the same as it was -- my mother still has the house -- same bed sheets, same pictures on the wall, flowered pictures I bought when I was 16.
Spoke to me from his bed that time I visited the White House, and never did get up.
When Bush went to bed, the Democrats had clinched the House, but the president was still "having high hopes in the Senate, " Snow said.
It said the children - one of whom is disabled - had to sleep in a bed with each grandparent as their council house was not big enough.
And he's going to come to your house after you've gone to bed, okay?
When the other two women had gone to bed, Huong and I slipped out of the house.
His latest book is The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms (Random House: 2010).
When she comes home from school in the afternoon, Emily continues to help around the house, even helping to dress Ann for bed.
When Scott returned to the house, Mr Dornan was lying on a bed, still alive, but the emergency services were not called until the next morning.
But 10 days after her release police and paramedics were called to the house in Pwll where they found Carly dead in bed.