Inside, I found a beefy, watchful, fair-haired man, who said his name was Armando.
Then again, beefy hardware may not be what sells the next generation of consoles.
Beefy, intense, talkative, uninterruptible, jovial, sarcastic and relentless--his ferocious tenacity makes the cofounder of a great pitchman.
Tester, a big, beefy man, is seen by some voters as an authentic Montanan with an all-American pedigree.
Dodge Charger SXT PLUS: Some guys hate on the beefy Charger, but its brawn has grown on me.
The new Streak will be sold by T-Mobile in the next few weeks and includes a beefy dual-core processor.
Peak power comes on later, at 7, 400 rpm vs. 7, 000 rpm, unexpectedly high revolutions for a rather beefy engine.
The box also included an unusually beefy user manual and no fewer than five replacement "nibs" (read: stylus tips).
The camera's large buttons, solid, beefy camera grip and auto screen brightness further simplify operations in outdoor and underwater activities.
ENGADGET: Sony Cyber-shot H200 features 26x OIS lens, 20.1MP stills for $249 (hands-on)
Except in a twist of epic proportions, the Rizk DBR2 has gone several steps further than merely a beefy homage to an icon.
Or is it better to divide that cash for a linebacker, a tight end and a pair of beefy tackles?
The computer is very quick, thanks to a beefy processor and the fact that most tasks are done via apps online.
We have to tip our hat to that beefy Qualcomm chip, as not one iota of lag cropped up in our testing.
It has a giant 4.7-inch screen and an unusually beefy 16-megapixel camera.
Though he was amiable, bounding to greet visitors with a beefy handshake, he lacked the common touch, and often talked in economic jargon.
The cut's appeal has much to do with its rich, beefy flavor and even more to do with how easy it is to prepare.
Jackson's two troopers -- beefy, vaguely menacing men -- took their seats on the dais just a few feet from Jones and her entourage.
But critics of Perez Balladares, a beefy, combative millionaire businessman known as Toro, or Bull, say his actions are out of step with his words.
That sum wouldn't cover a beefy lineman's board for two weeks.
Here at last was a food similar to something I'd known back home in Vietnam bo kho, a beefy braise perfumed with star anise and zippy lemongrass.
Two security guys showed up, the same on TV and in life: beefy guys whose scrupulous politeness was somehow linked to their willingness to crack skulls.
They are a big and beefy lot, the Northumbrians, so all except Jacob Wragg had to wait for the All Weights before they could take hold.
But the words come from the victory speech of Rob Ford, a blunt, beefy city councillor who on October 25th became mayor of Toronto, Canada's largest city.
"When I went back to the living room, the guys were all chuckling and I said something like 'beefy goodness' and they all exploded with laughter, " he said.
Men utterly dominate such beefy industries as transport and mining.
China, meanwhile, is a beefy and increasingly busy trading partner.
Still, for true beefy fattiness, slow-simmered short ribs may capture the meaty soul of beef better than most steak cuts: molten spoon-tender beef with melting fat and savory juices.
For example, if you have gobs of RAM that you don't know what to do with, you can always run the beefy StarOffice 5.1 (see Resources for a link).
The prototypes we got to try out carried the Level 10 range's chunky, aerated style -- with gaps in the bodywork and beefy catches to lock and release the arms.
ENGADGET: Thermaltake and BMW's Level 10 M gaming headset hands-on