What they did not know was that the plates were weighed beforeandafter their foray into the test room, so the researchers knew to the crumb what the women had consumed.
Cheating is rare on expensive tests such as the SATs, ACTs, APs and NAEP because test-givers and their contractors spend what it takes to have their sessions proctored, their test booklets kept secure beforeandafter their administration, and the scoring done by individuals or machines in distant locations that are unaffected by the results of that scoring.
They test nearby water wells to determine the level of naturally-occurring methane and other contamination beforeandafter drilling in order to ensure that their drilling and completion activities have not caused any issues.
Giteau's conversion made it 10-0 at the interval, James landing the hosts' first points on the resumption - and their first in 125 minutes of Test rugby - before giving way to Francois Steyn at fly-half after 55 minutes.