Serenity is a bad fantasy, a plight with which we mistakenly beg to be cursed.
FORBES: Against Tranquility! Pac-Man, Time Management, and Distractions.
While Hay's sales materials claim that the LSI is "statistically reliable and valid, " psychometricians beg to differ.
She said hers was a "working-class family" and it had to borrow and beg to get the money.
When Research In Motion first introduced the BlackBerry, you had to beg to get one at your company.
FORBES: Unified Communications: Still Not Unified ... But Getting Closer
Maybe Daniel Lanois will call tomorrow and beg to produce my next CD.
The small-business owner who can't get credit and the mounting number of unemployed and foreclosed homeowners would beg to differ.
Though Dr. Hall and her attorney deny any involvement in the teaching scandal, those closest to the case beg to differ.
Given the growing number of choices and the plethora of first time buyers, these devices beg to be handled, played with, compared.
But if the sexual revolution has really made women as happy as feminists say, a few elementary questions beg to be answered.
WSJ: Has the Sexual Revolution Been Good for Women? Mary Eberstadt: No
The eminently easy-to-wear dresses can be paired with a cardigan for work and all but beg to be invited to a garden party.
Towering behind the camp at 8, 000 feet are the Mahale Mountains, where waterfalls and cool pools beg to be explored during an afternoon excursion.
That's why grizzled vets will sacrifice a few minutes to check and recheck their position, even as their younger teammates beg to press on.
The banks themselves will of course beg to differ, and perhaps will as earnings reports for U.S. banks roll out over the next few weeks.
The Elusive Billionaire Some business owners beg to be written about.
The easy 2km trek passes through a series of isolated caverns once home to 15th-century hermits, which beg to be howled from. (Doing so produces a short, rich echo).
Others, mainly the guys who study meteorology, beg to differ.
The authorities run four ashrams - a form of spiritual commune - where some of the women are housed, but many need to beg to pay for rented accommodation.
It's perhaps the least important story you'll ever see on the subject, but I hope you'll find it interesting, because I had to beg to get my family to tell it again.
Yet the women themselves might beg to differ.
FORBES: How Sarah Palin's followers are rebranding for the future
Steph's Blog would beg to differ though - and sticks the boot into the BBC while she is at it, comparing a report on violence at an opposition rally on Sunday in state-owned The Herald newspaper with one of ours.
WSJ: Think While You Drink: In Defense of Wine Snobs | On Wine by Lettie Teague
On December 13th the finance minister, Pranab Mukherjee, had almost to beg MPs to collaborate on economic reform.
Why do we have to beg parents to get their children to school, to convince them that we need their children present and as stress free as possible?