Restaurants will have a 90-day grace period beginning May 11 before the ordinance goes into effect.
The final report is to include information with respect to the one-year period beginning October 1, 2003.
The initial regulatory enforcement report is to include information with respect to the one-year period beginning October 1, 2002.
The statistics were collected from over 61, 000 Mplayit Facebook users over a two-week period beginning at the start of February.
Everyone marvels at the growth of the Chinese economy in the reform era, the period beginning at the end of 1978.
Net tax alpha is defined as the tax reduction from short-term and long-term capital losses, less commissions, over the period beginning balance.
The order of private investigation covers a variety of matters for the period beginning January 1, 2007 including the antifraud provisions of the Federal securities laws.
FORBES: Structural Risks: Embattled Property Developer St Joe Rebuilds Board
This will mark the formal end of his papacy and the beginning of the period of transition to his successor, due to be chosen next month.
Goldman helped itself 212 times, roughly every business day, during the 12-month period beginning in March 2009, all the while telling the world that it needed no bailout.
It is true that if the Social Security system can somehow stay afloat through the '80s, it will sail into calmer waters for a long period beginning around 1990.
In the two-year period beginning July 2006 (shortly after Conrad and Port began their internship at the Vogue offshoot) the magazine's circulation increased 4.6%, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations.
He was part of a 39-strong Royal Navy team which carried out a number of dives on sunken ships, including HMS Coventry, over a four-month period beginning in the autumn of 1982.
Long-time readers are likely well aware that the period beginning November 1 through April 30 historically has been very good for our newsletter portfolios (past performance never a guarantee of future performance) with returns over the last 22 years averaging 22% per annum!
FORBES: Happy Returns Ahead In Stocks Whether It's Obama Or Romney
They are almost reduced to the plan, but, through the remains of towns, of canals and roads, it is possible to observe the evolution of this interaction of cultures stage by stage, from the very beginning to the period of final decay, when the Eurasian route lost its importance and the towns their economical role.
But this happened to coincide with the beginning of a long period of electoral oblivion for the Tories.
The contended results were reported during a three-year period, beginning in April 1999.
At the beginning of the second period Cairns's break to five metres from the Connacht line was finished off by Paterson.
This was the beginning of the legendary period of prodigious, radiant creativity.
And Tkachov vowed at a public meeting that the government will "build... a new home for you in three to four months, before the beginning of the cold period, " according to the same report.
They spent the beginning of the second period encamped in Everton's half and two Drogba free-kicks came close to breaking the deadlock - the first picked up well by Howard, the second headed wide by Lampard.
It's also worth chucking into the mix that the global average temperature variation between even the strongest El Nino event and the next ordinary year is a fraction of a degree Celsius - certainly less than the rise of about 0.6C that we've seen since the beginning of the study period, in 1950.
It's exactly the same when people sign a declaration of peace, the Belfast Agreement when it was signed was not the end, it was the beginning of a long period of struggle which requires just as much determination from all of us to see it succeed and I believe there is a will there, certainly among the pro-agreement parties to make this succeed.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Dr John Reid MP, Secretary for Northern Ireland
Some professionals are even predicting that we are just at the beginning of a really bad period for public finance.
The September-October period is now beginning to look like an anomaly from the baseline, represented by the more-typical August and November figures.
FORBES: China's Recent Trade Statistics Have Been Artificially Inflated
Kabuki is a Japanese traditional theatre form, which originated in the Edo period at the beginning of the seventeenth century and was particularly popular among townspeople.
For starters, the participants' sodium consumption was gauged by measuring the sodium content of their urine over just one 24-hour period at the beginning of the study.
At the beginning of Mr Fry's period the Highlands were virtually a different nation from the Lowlands of Scotland.
It was agreed that NEC will not be allowed to sell or transfer the shares for a period of two years beginning 1 July 2011.
Same-store sales - those in outlets open at least a year - were down 11%, despite the fact that the key back-to-school period started at the beginning of July.
Malaysia was selected as member of the committee for a period of four years beginning next year, together with eight other new members namely Algeria, Colombia, Germany, Japan, India, Serbia, Senegal and Qatar.