Few people would begrudge giving assistance to the poor through charity or an efficient government program.
Hard to begrudge that, since the stock has climbed an average 19% a year since he took over.
Some might not begrudge perks given to those who put their lives on the line for fellow citizens.
So far, at least, Britons, who are also generous private givers, seem not to begrudge official foreign aid.
But she has logged in so many miles, I can't begrudge her wanting to take it easy for a little bit.
BBC: Barack Obama praises Hillary Clinton in joint interview
There has been a lot of complaining about big bonuses on Wall Street, but so far no one seems to begrudge these big Main Street America payouts.
FORBES: Big Bonuses Are Back: Is There Anything Wrong With That?
That is not to suggest that anyone in my state would begrudge the use of federal funds to provide emergency assistance, though they might believe that state and local governments are much better suited for the planning and delivery of such emergency services.
FORBES: The Faux Morality of Big Government and Anti-Gouging Laws
So I tend to actually not begrudge the money that most athletes made.
The air chief marshal said he did not begrudge the high salaries being offered to his pilots by private airlines.
Rather than appreciate how this complementary process harnesses the benefits of our globalized division of labor, some begrudge iPod and iPhone sales in the United States for adding to the bilateral trade deficit.
But we don't begrudge big pay packages--provided the chief is delivering returns to shareholders.
And I want to make one last point: We do not begrudge success in America.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President on American-Made Energy
And because they begrudge nearly everything about Clinton, the Dole campaign has stubbornly refused to organize a communications war room modeled on the Little Rock wonder.
"Sad as it would be to see him go I don't think anyone would begrudge him leaving but Martin will do his very best and he's a fantastic man-manager, " Collymore added.
Michael Woloz, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Taxicab Board of Trade, said the fleet owners who make up his organization do not begrudge drivers a raise but will suffer because of another measure, approved on a 5-4 vote, to eliminate a 5% charge that fleets and garages can currently levy on drivers for the cost of processing credit-card transactions.