After Ms. Begum recuperates, she plans to return to her family's farm in southwestern Bangladesh.
First he removed the arm of Pakhi Begum's friend and she was pulled to safety.
Lying in Enam's orthopedics ward for women is Pakhi Begum, who lost both legs.
Indian singing legend Shamshad Begum has died in the western city of Mumbai, aged 94.
According to accounts of her life, Shamshad Begum's singing ambitions met opposition from her family.
Darbesh Khan and Aklima Begum had no choice but to mind the imam's order.
"Sometimes supervisors cheat us over wages, " said Sakina Begum, a seamstress in the Mirpur suburb of Dhaka.
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Shamshad Begum was a versatile artist, singing in Hindi and the Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil and Punjabi languages.
Among those pulled out alive after three days in the rubble was Marina Begum, 22, now recovering in hospital.
Born in Punjab's Amritsar district, Shamshad Begum made her debut on a radio station in Lahore in December 1947.
Reshma Begum came from the northern district of Dinajpur, according to Ayesha Begum.
While Ms Begum is financially broke, others have lost both income and health.
Hena was the youngest of five children born to Darbesh Khan, a day laborer, and his wife, Aklima Begum.
"I just could not believe it when I saw her in the hospital, " her mother, Zobeda Begum, said through tears.
Bulldozers stopped plowing the debris for a few hours after Ms. Begum was discovered, then gingerly resumed operations under flashlights.
Ms. Begum told rescuers she was unhurt and had survived by scavenging for biscuits in the backpacks of dead colleagues.
Bangladeshi artist Tayeba Begum Lipi, who is exhibiting in and co-commissioned her national pavilion, is motivated by a similar desire.
Ms Begum and Mr Balapovi are charged with arranging or facilitating the travel of a person within the UK for exploitation.
Several photographers and cameramen were allowed to take pictures of Begum on Saturday afternoon as she lay on her hospital bed.
Bulldozers stopped plowing the debris for a few hours after Ms. Begum was discovered, before starting operations again gingerly under flashlights.
"It's a miraculous event, " Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said after visiting Ms. Begum in the hospital and congratulating the rescue teams.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited Ms. Begum in hospital on Friday evening.
She tried to limit these encounters, fearing that Begum Harouni would discover the growing relationship and send her away, back to her parents.
Baby Moudud, a member of Parliament who rushed to the hospital Friday with Prime Minister Sheik Hasina, said Begum appeared traumatized but mentally strong.
Ms Begum, Mr Balapovi and Mrs Obhrai are each charged with arranging or facilitating the travel of a person within the UK for exploitation.
The doctor returned to amputate Pakhi Begum's legs, using local anesthesia.
These revelations, about a woman who now counted among her friends Princess Diana, Nancy Reagan, the Gorbachevs and the Begum Aga Khan, were somewhat irritating.
The rescue Friday of 19-year-old Reshma Begum brought a boost to the workers who had spent more than two weeks pulling decaying bodies from the rubble.
Army salvage workers said the pace would now slow again, since Ms. Begum's survival had raise hopes, however slight, that other survivors could be in the wreckage.
The butler, knowing that Husna served the old Begum Harouni in an indefinite capacity, somewhere between maidservant and companion, did not seat her in the living room.